  • 學位論文


Analyzing the Labor Process of Social Workers: Conforming Consciousness under Labor Control

指導教授 : 劉梅君


科技革新帶動時空壓縮,資訊交流越顯方便與快速,地區性的勞權運動也衝破地理限制獲得國際關注,爭權行動乘載的勞動意識藉由全球化擴散,勞動意識相較以往,已有所突破與進展。社工身為我國社會安全網的一線推手,擔負扶持弱勢、解決社會問題的責任,然而社工的勞動條件卻無法與自身專業對價,反因助人角色,背負許多刻板印象或責任自治壓力,導致實務勞動條件低落,卻難以理直氣壯地爭取權利,基於社工角色具有衝突及重要性之研究價值,因此選作研究對象。 本研究以勞動過程理論作為分析視角,以質性研究方法探究社工的勞動條件現況和工作推力因素,另以時間、空間及管理制度之研究構面拆解勞動過程,梳理出勞動控制機制,藉此得知勞動意識及主體性表現的態樣,試圖回應本研究三個研究目的:一、從2010年跨度至2021年的十餘年間,社工的勞動條件是否有所提升?如果有,誰是試圖提升勞動權益的重要推手?二、社會福利機構的控制機制如何影響社工的勞動意識以及勞動主體性表現?三、在勞動控制、勞動條件及角色衝突等因素影響下,社工又將如何選擇自身的維權行動? 研究發現,社會福利服務產業經歷數十年的勞權倡議及推廣,社工之勞動條件有關薪資、回捐、工時、職場安全等部分,已有所提升,而政府也於2020年實施社工結構式薪資制度,回應社工低薪問題。社福機構因應業務種類,發展出多樣化的控制機制,展現不同的馴服能量,生產出社工服從的勞動意識,普遍以抱怨、隱忍、離職等消極主體表現抒發不滿,而造成維權行動擱置的主要因素,仍是勞資雙方權力的失衡。因此,以社會工作的利害關係人作為建議方向,試圖平衡雙方權力關係,賦予社工尊嚴勞動,俾利完善社會安全網。


Technological innovations have driven the compression of time and space, and information exchanges have become more convenient and rapid. Regional labor rights movements have also broken through geographical restrictions and caught international attention. With the spread of globalization, the labor consciousness carried by the right-to-fight action has made a breakthrough and progress compared with the past. As the frontline promoters of social safety net, social workers are responsible for supporting the vulnerable groups and solving social problems. However, the working conditions of social workers can’t be valued with their professions. Due to the role of helping others, they are burdened with stereotypes or pressures of responsible autonomy, leading to poor working conditions but hard to fight for rights with confidence. Social workers are selected as research objects based on the conflicting and important study value of roles. This study takes labor process theory as an analytical perspective, and uses qualitative research methods to explore the current status of social workers' working conditions and push factors from work. In addition, the labor process of social workers is disassembled with the aspects of time, space and management system, and the labor control mechanism is sorted out, which can learn about labor consciousness and labor subjectivity. This study attempts to answer the three purposes according to the above analysis logic: 1. Have the working conditions of social workers improved in the more than ten years from 2010 to 2021?If so, who is the important driving force to enhance labor rights? 2. How does the control mechanism of social welfare institutions affect social workers' consciousness and the performance of labor subjectivity?3. Under the influence of labor control, working conditions and role conflicts, how will social workers fight for their rights? This research found that after decades of advocacy and promotion of labor rights in the social welfare service industry, the working conditions of social workers, such as wages, donations, working hours and workplace safety, have been improved. The government also implemented the “social worker structured salary system” in 2020 in response to the problem of low wages for social workers. Social welfare organizations have developed diversified control mechanisms according to the types of services, demonstrated different taming abilities, and produced conforming consciousness among social workers. These generally express their dissatisfaction with negative subjectivity such as complaints, forbearance and resignation, while the main factor that causes the suspension of the rights protection action is still the imbalance of the power between labor and capital. Therefore, with the stakeholders of social work as the direction of suggestions, try to equalize the power relationship between the two sides, give social workers dignity to work, and improve the social safety net.


一、 中文部分
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