  • 學位論文


Travel performance and design of the We media.

指導教授 : 黃新生 陳儒修


有一群專業的自媒體展演者,其旅遊作品與貼文紀錄特別精彩,在此稱他們為「自媒體旅遊展演者」,其線上展演貼文經過事前規劃、設計、編排,擁有比常人更純熟的拍攝技巧、文案編撰能力、貼文組織架構能力甚至擁有號召力,他們擁有一群粉絲,透過旅遊展演與共同喜好集結的粉絲群。這些展演者的線上展演方式,有別於一般社群使用者隨意的自拍上傳。人人都會自拍與打卡,而這些自媒體旅遊展演研究對象,其展演前台與後台時常經過「設計」並精心打造,非一般常人能快速取代,有其研究意義與價值。 本研究將依據Goffman「劇場理論」與Urry「展演轉向」要素,分析《小虎食夢網》、《劉士銘-赤子之心闖世界》、《翹鬍子旅行團》、《KK旅世界 K's journey》等4個粉絲團之旅遊貼文;且訪問了「小虎」、「六肆零」、「Jessie」、「KK」,等4位自媒體旅遊展演者。針對其旅遊貼文進行文本分析,探索這些貼文中有哪些展演類型與旅遊議題;並對展演者做一對一深度訪談,瞭解對方做了哪些事前功課、後台準備工作、以及展演後帶來哪些效益,如何建構出屬於自己的成功模式。 研究發現,旅遊展演事前準備、內容設計、展演者專長與喜好,與展演品質及展演效果息息相關,且旅遊展演能帶來多重效益,並從旅遊展演者未來計劃中,洞察未來展演趨勢。


A group of We media performers are famous for posting their travelogues on line. This study calls them “We media travel performers.” By detailing, planning, designing and editing their travelogues, they draw attention from fans with the same likeness. Their online performance is different from selfies posted by casual users like you and me. In the world of selfies and check-ins, these “We media travel performers” wisely manage their online stages by skillful photos, well-written travelogues, and beautiful videos. This study aims to explore their front stages and back stages in order to find out how their online travelogues become the focus of discussion among fans. This study will apply Ervin Goffman’s dramaturgical theory of the self and society and the concept of “performance turn” by John Urry to analyze four online travelogues and interview four “We media travel performers” behind them. By employing close textual analysis of their postings and conducting in-depth interviews, the goal of this study is to understand how they prepare phots, videos, articles before posting, and what they gain from those travelogues. At the end, it wishes to present their successful business models for other people to follow. This study finds that pre-planning, content design, expertise of “We media travel performers”, as well as quality of their postings are all crucial to produce excellent online travelogues. Multiple benefits from their online travel performances are also reasons for them to continue working in this field and to let us perceive the future development of online travel performance.


George Ritzer原著。楊淑嬌(譯)(2003)。《當代社會學理論精簡本》。臺北:巨流圖書。
Goffman, E原著。徐江敏、李姚軍(譯)(2012)。《日常生活中的自我表演》。臺北:桂冠圖書。(原著出版年:1959)。
John Urry, Jonas Larsen原著。黃宛瑜(譯)(2016)。《觀光客的凝視3.0》(The Tourist Gaze 3.0)。臺北:書林出版有限公司。(原著出版年:2011)。
John Urry原著。葉浩(譯)(2007)。《觀光客的凝視》。臺北:書林出版有限公司。(原著出版年:2002)。

