  • 學位論文


A study for the organizational transformation strategy of traditional advertising agencies under the impact of the digital era. Ogilvy Advertising as an example.

指導教授 : 曾國峰


面對全球數位化的變革與網路各項創新運用的出現,改變了消費者獲得資訊的管道,自然也影響了媒體接觸習慣與廣告操作重心,傳統媒體無可避免的衰弱,而以數位為代表的新媒體迅速成為了傳播的主力。在這樣的背景狀況下,台灣傳統廣告產業正處於一個新舊交替的轉變節點,尤其在代理商角色去中介化的趨勢下,可以發現傳統廣告產業正面臨新的挑戰與機遇,轉型已經成為產業發展的必須。這樣的轉型不僅僅只是需要強化數位的專業能力,更需要具備商業變革思維,快速的對應市場變化,因此更值得思考的是如何調整出最符合市場需求的組織架構。 本研究將以權變觀點中的費德勒模型為思考基礎,剖析出個案權變變因,並探討面對組織轉型下組織成員面對管理模式與環境轉變的感受,以透徹個案轉型之策略意涵。 根據個案歸結出傳統廣告代理商四項權變變因:成員關係的好壞、職權強弱、組織規格、組織規格以及組織及個人目標,並以此分析整理出以下個案組織轉型策略:(一)回到營銷之本以客戶為中心,改革與前進併行;(二)核心能力再加乘,創意、數據、科技相輔相成;(三)以影響代替管理,創造組織獨有偶像文化。(四)跨越隔閡,組織財務簡化操作。 本研究期望作為其他面臨相似挑戰企業,經營組織成功轉型及維持組織核心能力之參考,以成就長遠經營的理想。


Facing with the global digital transformation and various innovative applications of the Internet, the consumers’ access to information has been changed; it certainly affected the media exposure habits and the core of advertising operations. Traditional media is inevitably weakened; the representative of new media - digital media, quickly becoming the main force of communication. In this context, Taiwan’s traditional advertising industry is at a transition node between the old and the new. Especially under the trend of disintermediation of the role of agents, it can be found that the traditional advertising industry is facing new challenges and opportunities, and the transformation has become a must for industrial development. This kind of transformation requires not only strengthen of digital professional capabilities, but also business transformation thinking and rapid response to market variation. Therefore, it is worth to think about how to adjust the organizational structure to meet market demand. This study will be based on the Fiedler contingency model perspective to analyze the root cause of contingency factor by each case. Moreover, it will explore the feeling of members who encounter different management method and environment change under organization transformation, to reach full strategic purpose for case transformation. According to the case, the four contingency factors of the traditional advertising agency are summarized: the relationship of members, the authority strong or weak, the organization structure, and the organization and individual target. Base on this analysis to sort out the following case organizational transformation strategies: First, back to the fundamental of marketing, put customer at first priority; Processing the revolution and Moving forward in parallel. Secondly, improve the core capabilities. The creativity, data and technology complement each others. Thirdly, create the unique idol culture within organization and replace management with influence. Finally, overcome the barriers and simplify the organization financial operation. This study wishes to serve a reference for other companies which encounter similar challenges, the organization transformation successfully and keep the core capabilities of organization to achieve the goal of long- term management.


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