  • 學位論文


The Study of the Construction of Replacing Cables in the In-Service Highway Steel Bridges

指導教授 : 張寬勇


台灣地區近幾十年來在鋼結構橋樑建設工程方面發展快速,從早期的拱橋、鋼桁架橋、鋼箱型樑橋到近期較流行的斜張橋(cable-stayed bridge)及提籃式吊橋… 等,都各有各的特色。採用鋼橋結構不僅可縮短工期、減低交通衝擊影響、減少施工上的障礙並可創造優美的橋型,配合多變的炫麗燈光,替都市夜景增色不少,進而達到創造地標的效果。 在眾多橋樑之中,我們常看見的吊索橋就是利用吊索的張力來承受橋樑的載重,但因長期暴露在室外,在日曬雨淋下,會有吊索銹蝕及預力提早衰退的問題。而國內橋樑吊索一般的壽命約30年,使用30年後即須汰換以求行車安全。全世界更換索體實例不多,換索工程必須慎重面對可能發生之事件,換索前應充分做好準備工作,周密考慮可能出現的問題及制定應採取的措施並加強監控及管理。 本論文以關渡地區某橋樑為國內首次更換老舊銹蝕吊索工程施工為例,以施工前、中、後逐一做探討分析研究,首先以差異比較方式,比較更換前吊索材質及更換後新吊索二種材質特性差異性,再針對吊索更換構件的安全性及檢測方式做敍述,最後擬定施工危害分析因應之機制。結論最後所建議的營運中公路鋼橋吊索抽換工程施工評估模式亦可回饋供公路養護單位參考,俾利後續辦理相關工作時,使推動更加順利。


The construction of the steel structure bridges in Taiwan has been developing rapidly in the last few decades. From the arch bridges, steel truss bridges, box girder bridges to the latest cable-stayed bridges and inclined arch bridges and so on; all of them have their own features. Adopting steel structure construction can shorten the construction time, lessen traffic impact & obstacle during construction. Moreover, it builds an outstanding landscape by its unique shape accompanying with the glamour lighting design at night, which decorate the scene of the city as well. The suspension bridges are often seen among various type of bridges, which implement the cable suspension force to undertake the bridge loading; while as the cable eroded through time and facing the early pre-stress fading, the life of the local suspension bridges cables is approximately 30 year, thus, the cable has to be replaced to ensure the safety of the traffic. There are not so many such references around the world of replacing the suspension bridges cables, dealing the upcoming episodes or events during construction become a critical issue. Before construction, the preparation work and a mechanism of making proper countermeasures and management of strengthen monitor and control is required. This study introduce the unprecedented construction of exchanging the erosive cables at the in-service highway (Guandu area) as an example to illustrate the analysis on the pre-construction, in the construction & after construction processes. First of all,implement the discrepancy comparison method to compare two material property discrepancies before and after cable exchanging; then, demonstrate the safety test method of the cable exchanging components and finally conclude the mechanism of countermeasure for the construction hazard analysis. The conclusion of this study which provides the suggestion of the construction evaluation model on the cable exchanging work at the in-service highway steel bridge can be used as the references to the highway maintenance office to facilitate the relevant work afterwards.


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[3].王如鈺、王雲程,橋樑吊索講義,台北 : 憬藝企業有限公司,1996。
