  • 學位論文


The Firm Growth Strategy in Electronic Connector Industry

指導教授 : 胡同來


這是一個變動和躁動的時代,大部人都在為自己的生計而忙碌。企業的境遇大抵和人一樣,生存是每個企業不能迴避的問題。企業如何生存,是一門很現實的學問,從對"未來生存管理"的研究來看,企業生存是在不確定性與確定性之間選擇。所謂不確定性,就是知識和環境的變化給企業生存抉擇所帶來的諸多困惑。企業唯有不斷的運用創新、創造價值並持續追求卓越,適時調整營運策略、不斷從事組織變革,建構獲利之營運模式才能提升企業成長與生存之競爭力。 正如管理學權威彼得•杜拉克所說:[世界的經濟與技術正面臨一個不連續的年代,在技術和經濟上,在產業結構和經濟理論上,在統領和管理的知識上,將是一個瞬息萬變的年代]。所以企業必須保持生存的應變能力,而這些應變能力的基本規律,可以解釋為,企業要持續生存,必須有能力創造保持成長。而實質的競爭力就是學習力與執行力,領導者如何正確做好策略定位、管理者如何有效管理、產業如何積極創新及整合運用資源、及國家如何突破限制與困境,勇於跨越超限競爭實為重點。 以目前而言,要作為全球化經濟圈中的"生命體".,企業,從小到大、由弱到強,盛極而衰,同樣要遵循生命的基本規律。馬歇爾啟發人們:[要從森林的濃蔭中用力向上掙紮的新生樹木上,來領悟企業成長] ! 在台灣連接器產值突破台幣千億大關後,標示著"連接器"成為台灣一個重要產業 ,有為者亦若是,隨後接連許多產業菁英陸續在這個領域發光。在中國大陸市場突飛猛進及金融風暴後,造成全球經濟秩序的調整開始,台灣產業現在也必須站在全球舞台上面對激烈的競爭與挑戰,因此廠商業者在未來的連接器產業發展上必須有不同於來自以往的思考。 由於在全球電子產業中,台灣連接器產業在全球已佔有無可或缺的角色,但以目前台商250餘家廠商,絕大多數均屬資本額在美金1000萬元至3000萬元,而年營業額在美金5000萬元至8000萬元左右來的中小型製造代工公司,並且90%的廠商都是以OEM, ODM代工為主要運營模式,而面對未來快速多變的市場,競爭激烈,所以如何創造持續成長,更是公司能否生存重要的因素,本研究將針對台灣電子連接器產業公司,現在及未來如何持續領先及成長做出參考研究。


This is the changing and moving era. Everybody is striving for their daily life. An enterprise should face the similar situation as human being. It is not possible for a business to escape from the problem of the way of living. How to survive is a practical lesson for any enterprise. From the study of “future surviving management”, business should choose between certainty and uncertainty for their existence. The uncertainty may be the puzzles caused by the change of knowledge and environment to a business for selecting ways of living. Enterprise should always keep on innovating, creating value and pursuing outstanding, adjusting business management strategy when needed. Reorganizing company and making a profitable business model continuously are also the key competition factors to the growth and survival for a company. As what is said by Dr. Peter Clake – authority of the management: “the world economy and technology is facing a discontinuous era. It will be a changing era in technique and economy, in industrial structure and economic theory, and in the knowledge of leading and management.” That is business should have capability of surviving. The basic rule of having capability of survival for a business is to progress all the times. The real competitiveness is to learn and to administer. Leader should always orient the right development strategy. Manager should keep effective management all the times. Industry needs to do creative actively and to integrate the resources. Country needs to break through limitation and dilemma, and should have the courage to overcome the competition. Today, the basic rule of the life cycle of a "life body" business in the world economic community is from small to large, from weak to strong, and from prosperity to fade. Mr. Marshall inspired us that we should learn how to grow for a tree under the shadow of the forest. The production value of connector industry of Taiwan,have over NTD$100 billions,Afterward a lot of industrial elite have progressed well. After internal sales market in China grows fast and world economical crisis the order of the global economics started. The industry in Taiwan faces highly competition and challenge from global. Future development of the connector industry should reconsider carefully. The connector plays an indispensable role in Taiwan electronic industry. However, there are over 250 connector manufacturers. The capitalization of most manufacturers is between 10 to 30 million US dollars. And annual revenue of middle to small size EMS is between 50 to 80 millions US dollars. And the busness model of 90% of these manufacturers are OEM, ODM. These OEM companies faces highly competition. Therefore, how to keep growth is the key factor to the survival of their companies. This study will analyze the ways of continuous growth in the connector industry in Taiwan for the future..


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(13)陳正煌(2007),[台灣中小型企業電子連接器產業經營策略之研究--以個案公司為例] 國立政治大學 EMBA專班
(2)Ansoff, Igor H (1988) [The New Corporate Strategy], John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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