  • 學位論文


A study of using permeable asphalt pavement with recycled resource in bikeway

指導教授 : 鄭光炎 張寬勇


目前我國各縣市正值興建自行車道之期,民眾對於道路運輸系統之需求與服務品質之要求亦逐年提高,促使道路鋪面原料之需求量大幅增加,旦隨經濟快速成長與工商業需求頻繁,廢棄物之產量亦急遽增加,另鑒於國內自然資源匱乏且取得不易,故資源再利用已蔚為國內環保之主要趨勢。基於道路工程材料回收及其再生使用之環保觀念,以適量之再生資源配製透水鋪面,並鋪築於自行車道實為必須之發展方向。 故本研究針對市區道路建構自行車道之效益分析、設計原則及規劃型式等進行探討,並擬用再生瀝青混凝土粒料與廢玻璃砂取代透水鋪面之部份級配料,依循公共工程施工綱要規範進行相關試驗,進而評估再生瀝青透水鋪面應用於自行車道鋪面之可行性,並進行成本分析。另因鋪面採用資源化材料且具獨特性,故無論於鋪面成本、資源永續、行車安全性及節能減碳等面向均具有兼籌並顧之效果。 根據試驗結果顯示,廢玻璃砂可悉數取代透水鋪面之細粒料,另添加20%之再生瀝青混凝土粒料更有助於提升鋪面穩定值,同時添加廢玻璃砂與廢瀝青混凝土粒料亦可達到公共工程施工綱要規範相關試驗之要求。


For the time being , all the cities in Taiwan are in the period of constructing the cycleways , the needs of road transport system and the demand of service quality are higher year after year , making the requirements of the road surface materials increase greatly. However , with the rapid growth of economic and the frequent industrial and commercial demand , the waste production is also rapidly increasing , and the lack and the difficulty of obtaining of domestic natural resources , therefore , the re-use of the resources has become a major trend of the domestic environmental protection. Based on the environmental protection concept of the road material recovery and renewal , using suitable renewable resources to produce permeable pavement , and then paving them on the cycleways. It is actually the development way. The purpose of this study is explore about the benefit analysis of constructing the cycleways , the design principles and the planning forms and so on , intending to use renewable sources of asphalt concrete aggregates and waste glass granule to replace the ingredients of the permeable pavement , and then following the outline of public works construction norms to test something related , in order to analyse the feasibility of applying renewable asphalt permeable pavement to cycleways , and the analysis of cost. Besides, because of the use of resource materials of the pavement and its uniqueness , it includes multiple effects no matter on the aspects of the pavement cost , sustainable resources , driving safety and energy conservation for carbon reduction . According to the test results , it showed that the fine aggregates of permeable pavement can be replaced by waste glass granule , and adding 20% of renewable sources of asphalt concrete pavement aggregates more help to enhance the stability of the value and adding waste glass granule and asphalt concrete aggregates , it can also meet the relevant test specification requirements of Platform for public works construction.


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