  • 學位論文


The Study on the Emitted Characteristics of VOCs and Predicted Coefficients of Multi-Layered BMs

指導教授 : 邵文政


國內目前裝修工程多於複層建材方式呈現,但內政部建築研究所推行之「綠建材標章」,在「低逸散健康綠建材檢測」部分為管控單一建材逸散濃度,而複層建材尚無管制。因此本研究藉由「小尺寸建材逸散直讀量測系統」對室內產品與材料之揮發性有機化合物(Volatile Organic Compounds,VOCs)逸散情形進行檢測評估,並於全尺寸建材逸散模擬實驗室之逸散濃度進行驗證,瞭解各種複層建材組合對室內空氣品質之實質影響,以俾貼近實際室內裝修情形,後續提出室內環境中建材揮發性有機化合物之「健康風險評估」,作為室內裝修建材之健康效益評估,期能維持健康之室內空氣品質,並提供設計者及使用者於裝修前選擇室內建築材料時之評估依據,以及未來管制基準之參考,先行控管室內空氣品質,保障國人室內健康品質。 本研究內容可整理歸納以下結論: 一、建立複層建材揮發性有機化合物逸散試驗之標準作業程序 二、藉由單一建材與不同複層建材組合推估相關係數 三、探討不同複層建材組合揮發性有機化合物之逸散變化 四、建材揮發性有機化合物之健康效益分析


The Green Building Materials Label (GBML) is implemented by the Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of the Interior (ABRI). But just only restricted within emission of single building materials. There have no standard about emission of multi-layered building materials (multi-layered BMs), but the interior decoration often used those in Taiwan In order to provide the bases for designers and users to select the materials of interior decoration and formulated of the related policy, this study through the experiment which was detected the concentration of VOCs emission from multi-layered BMs in the small scale chamber and verify it in the real scale space. The conclusions of this research can be categorized as follows 1.Establishment of standard operating procedures for the detection the concentration of VOCs emission from multi-layered BMs 2.Predict the correlation coefficients by the relationship of emission concentration from single building materials and multi-layered BMs 3.Investigate the characteristics of VOCs emission from different multi-layered BMs. 4.The analysis of the health benefits about the VOCs from the materials of interior decoration


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