  • 學位論文


The improvement of slurry paving technology and residual slurry removing in additive manufacturing

指導教授 : 湯華興


以陶瓷漿料為基本材料之積層製造系統,製程中經常發生的幾個問題,第一是以分配器鋪層時,乾燥後進行下一層鋪層,分配器會被生坯表面的高起處卡住,無法繼續鋪層;第二是鋪層後,經雷射輪廓掃描方式製作工件時,工件強度不夠,造成要從生胚塊中,取出工件不易的問題。本研究的目的係針對上述問題進行研究並提出解決方案。 為了得到完美的鋪層,本研究者設計新分配器;其次針對可能因為移動平台下滑軌與滑座的精度不佳,造成鋪層機構振動的問題,導致鋪層表面的不平坦進行驗證;最後探討較高的鋪層速度是否可以維持分配器與鋪層表面的間隙,使生胚表面不會被破壞。 針對生坯工件不易從生胚塊中完整取出的問題,採用聚乙二醇為新的漿料黏結劑取代原先使用的聚乙烯醇,並對此進行一連串相關的清料實驗,以找出最適當材料配方及清料方法,藉此可以很容易地清出工件。 研究結果顯示,新式的分配器解決了鋪層時,分配器會被生坯表面高起處卡住的問題;另一方面,滑軌與滑座的精度提升有效地減少振動的問題;鋪層速度適當時,分配器與鋪層表面維持適當的間隙,使得生胚表面不會被破壞;最後由清料實驗結果顯示,將生胚塊靜置於80°C熱水溶液中一小時,是最適合取出工件的方式。


積層製造 氧化鋁


In slurry-based ceramic additive manufacturing system, some problems often occurred. The First is that distributor was stuck by some of the peaks of the green layer surface during the fresh layer paving, so the paving is unable to be proceeded. The second is that fabricating green part through laser profile scanning, the strength of the green parts would be insufficient; therefore, taking the green parts out of the green block is difficult. The aim of this research is to study and solve the problems mentioned above. To get a perfect slurry layer, a new distributor was designed. Furthermore, verifying the inaccuracy of the slider assembly under the moving platform that causes vibration of the paving mechanism which induces the un-smooth layer surface. Eventually, studying a higher paving speed may maintain the gap between the distributor and the clearance of the paving platform to retain the intact green layer surface. For taking the green parts out of the green block, a series of residual slurry removal experiments was done and the polyvinyl alcohol was replaced by polyethylene glycol as a new binder to find the optimal material formulation for excess material removal. The results reveal that the new distributor solved the paving sticking problem. On the other hand, the accuracy improvement of the slider system effectively improved the vibration. By a suitable paving the speed, the adequate clearance between the distributor and the surface of the paving can be maintained and the green layer surface was not damaged. Finally, the result of the experiments of excess material removal indicates that the optimal process of taking the green parts out of the green block was that placing the green block in 80°C water for an hour.


Additive Manufacturing Alumina


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