  • 學位論文


A Research on the Application of Collaborative Architectural Design in Taiwan A Case Study of College Teacher and Students Working in "Architecture for Humanity."

指導教授 : 楊詩弘


「合作建築」是代表了不同的專業、社群、資源的相互合作,共同解決問題、創造環境的一個過程;而「義築」則是一種將人道精神主義落實於建築的具體行動。以大專院校師生為主的合作建築團隊也紛紛在各學校落地生根,並持續於台灣各地服務。本研究之案例考量計畫背景、建築類型及建築規模之共通性,選取由國立臺北科技大學建築研究所帶領連續執行之「果核再生計畫」以及近兩年由國立交通大學義築實驗室帶領執行「台東義築計畫」為本研究案例,共六案例。從中檢視「合作建築」案例的實踐經驗,並藉由經驗的累積建立資料回饋,探討未來「合作建築」的執行內容與運行模式。 以大專院校投入「義築」之合作建築計畫,除了實質的目標成果,同時蘊含社會、教育及專業三個面向之核心價值。根據本研究之實踐經驗,將「合作建築」分為四項執行目標以及執行成果: 1.以提供閱讀、文化傳承建築環境的硬體建設:本研究硬體建設成果依建築構造分類,為一竹構造建築以及五木構造建築。 2.具有集體學習教育性質的軟體活動:各案例分別於計畫執行過程當中舉行各種軟體活動課程供學童及合作建築志工參與學習。 3.以宣傳合作建築理念、招募計畫及落實開放技術理念的開放資訊計畫:本研究配合招募計畫於網路上達到宣傳之效果,但於開放技術理念的實施仍不足。 4.推動促成合作建築計畫落實的招募計畫:本研究案例皆藉由網路平台發佈經費募款及人力招募之訊息以推動計畫之執行。 本研究合作建築案例再共同的目標之下,執行過程與成果不一,乃因合作建築團隊的組成並非完全專業者帶領指導,因此在計畫期程與內容未規劃妥善情況之下,分別於執行目標出現不同的課題:首先影響的是硬體建設的營建施工過程中的施工計畫及施工進度無法掌握。而富有教育意義軟體活動課程於本研究案例創造出各種活動方式以激發學童創造力及培養志工服務學習心態,但本研究案例在合作建築計畫當中缺少對於軟體活動目標進行妥善的內容規劃,有時受限於硬體建設的進度影響,導致軟體活動無法落實。預期以開放資訊方式落實開放技術理念之執行成果也無系統性資料庫或是網路平台供需求者讀取應用。而招募計畫主要是為推動合作建築落實的目標,但在過去的實踐經驗當中招募計畫缺少對於硬體建設或軟體活動的對應,因此也分別造成經費不足、人力不足或冗員等課題。 在了解合作建築各項目標相互對應關係之後,本研究進一步擬定各項目標之計畫流程與工作項目,並將合作建築計畫的執行過程分為四階段,籌劃階段、準備階段、執行階段及後續階段,從中了解各項執行目標應於何階段進行計畫安排及各目標之工作項目之相互對應關係,最後擬定各項目標工作項目之工作要點,作為未來合作建築計畫執行之依據與運行模式參考。 的


“Collaborative Architectural Design” represents a process of mutual cooperation between different professionals, communities and resources to solve problems together and to create environments. “Architecture for Humanity” is a concrete action to implement humane doctrine in architectures. Collaborative Architectural Design teams with university teachers and students as major taskforce are solidly rooted in many schools, and these teams continue to serve many areas in Taiwan. Considering the commonality of study background, architecture type and construction scale, we chose six cases from two projects in this case study: the “Core” project lead by and continuously implemented by Institute of Architecture of National Taipei Technology University and the “Architecture for Humanity, Tai-Tung” project lead by and implemented by the “Architecture for Humanity” laboratory of National Chiao-Tung University in the recent two years. Using these cases, we examined the experiences of implementing “Collaborative Architectural Design”. We constructed database from these accumulated experiences to provide feedback, and we investigate the implementation contents and operation model for future “Collaborative Architectural Design”. “Collaborative Architectural Design” projects such as “Architecture for Humanity” operated by University teams not only achieved tangible outcome goals, but also encompassed three core values in the societal, educational and professional domains. Based on the experiences in this study, we divided the objective and outcome of implementing “Collaborative Architectural Design” into four areas: 1.To construct hardware architectural infrastructure that provides environment that supports reading and cultural heritage: There is one bamboo building structure and five wood building structures in this study based on the building construction classification. 2. To orchestra soft infrastructure that provides activities of collective learning and education: Each case in this study held a variety of soft infrastructures such as activities and curriculum during the process of project implementation to provide students and volunteers in “Collaborative Architectural Design” project opportunities for participation of learning. 3. Open information technology programs aiming at promoting the concept of “Collaborative Architectural Design”, recruitment plans and consolidating the concept of open technology: In this study, recruitment plans were broadcasted on the internet to achieve publicity. However, the implementation of the “open technology” concept was still insufficient. 4. Promote recruitment plans that can facilitate the consolidation of “Collaborative Architectural Design” projects: All cases in this project used internet as a platform to announce fund raising and manpower recruitment information for the promotion of project implementation. All cases of “Collaborative Architectural Design” projects in this study had common objectives, however, the implementation processes and outcomes were different. This may due be to the fact that not all “Collaborative Architectural Design” projects were assembled and led by professionals. Therefore, different issues surfaced when attempting to achieve implementation goals without proper planning of project phases and contents: The first effect was on the construction of hardware infrastructures with poor handling of construction plans and progresses during the construction process. Many cases in this project created soft infrastructures such as various educational activities and curriculum to stimulate students’ creativity and to nurture service volunteers’ learning attitudes. However, cases in this study lacked proper planning for the contents of soft infrastructures to achieve objectives in their “Collaborative Architectural Design” projects. Sometimes this was limited and affected by the progress of hardware infrastructure construction, preventing the consolidation of soft infrastructure activities. There were no systematic databases or internet platform to satisfy the needs of individuals who wanted to retrieve information pertaining to project implementation outcomes based on the concept of consolidating open technology expected from using open information technologies. Recruitment plans aimed primarily at realizing the objectives of promoting “Collaborative Architectural Design” projects. However, observations based on past implementation experiences demonstrated that recruitment plans lacked corresponding objectives to hardware or soft infrastructures. These deficiencies resulted in insufficient fund, insufficient or redundant manpower, respectively. After understanding the corresponding relationship between various objectives of “Collaborative Architectural Design” projects, we further develop workflow and itemized task for each objective in this study. We also divided the process of implementing “Collaborative Architectural Design” projects into four stages: planning, preparation, implementation and follow-up stages. We expected to know the corresponding relationships between the appropriate stage to arrange planning and itemized tasks for each objective. Finally, we developed the key points for itemized task for each objective to serve as a basis for future implementation of “Collaborative Architectural Design” projects and reference model for operation.


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