  • 學位論文


Effects of Appointment Reminders based on Health Belief Model on Attendance Rates-A Case Study of Body Fat Measurement

指導教授 : 梁曉帆




Appointment systems are one of the approaches to improve the quality of patient care, but there is an appointment, there is an absence. For example, no-shows in medical examination are defined as the absence of patients in the appointed times without any notice in advance. No-shows result in the loss of hospital revenue, the waste of medical resources, and the impairment of healthcare quality. There are many reasons for no-show, such as forgetting, oversleeping and mistaking appointment times. Through the change of patient behavior, reminder is one of several main approaches to remedy these types of no-shows. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of appointment reminders on attendance rates with a simulated examination appointment designed to examine participants' body fat. A reminder application was developed through the Eclipse development platform. The mode of appointment reminders was served as the first independent variable with three levels. They were no reminder, reminder with basic information and reminder with basic and healthcare information. The second independent variable was participants' health belief attitude measured by a questionnaire. Attendance rates and preferences on the reminder modes were the dependent variables. Results showed that participants provided by the reminder with basic and healthcare information had the highest attendance rate, whereas the participants without any reminder provided had the lowest attendance rate. Moreover, participants with higher scores on the health belief attitude questionnaire preferred the reminder with basic and healthcare information. The findings of this study should be able to offer suggestions for further research on the design of appointment reminders, and ultimately to increase attendance rates.


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