  • 學位論文


Utilization of Chinese Traditional Herbs as Photosensitizers for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells

指導教授 : 蘇昭瑾


染料敏化太陽能電池的染料通常以釕的錯合物(N3,N719)為主,其光電轉換效率已可達到11%,然而釕的錯合物非常昂貴,因此本實驗試著使用天然染料代替 N3染料。一方面可以降低染料敏化太陽能電池的製作成本,一方面也可減少合成染料處理以及環境污染等問題。 紫草葉片與小菊花花瓣分別利用無水甲醇在室溫攪拌過濾得濾液,並以硫酸鈉除去溶液中水分,最後濾液以迴旋濃縮儀減壓除去甲醇得到紫色和黃色固體,再加入無水甲醇。紅麴果粒利用無水甲醇在室溫攪拌過濾得濾液,並以硫酸鈉除去溶液中水分,最後濾液以迴旋濃縮儀減壓除去甲醇得到橙紅色固體。橙紅色固體以正己烷與乙酸體積比為7:3展開劑層析收集,減壓除去溶劑,分別得黃色固體(Rf=0.9286),黃綠色固體(Rf=0.5714),橙色固體(Rf=0.3714),淡橙色固體(Rf=0.3714),淡黃色固體(Rf=0.2286)。 利用Degussa二氧化鈦奈米粒(DP-25)加入乙烯丙酮、triton X-100和去離子水調配製成TiO2塗料,將TiO2塗料均勻塗佈在FTO導電玻璃上,並在450 °C下燒結製成工作電極,而對電極是以濺鍍法製成厚度為20 nm的鉑電極,加入電解液(I3‾)後,組成一個太陽能電池模組,以AM 1.5 的模擬太陽光照射(100 mWcm−2),分析電池的光電轉換效率。小菊花最佳光電轉換率分別為0.435%和0.366%。紅麴五個成分的最佳光電轉換率分別0.077%、0.007%、0.024%、0.022%、0.021%。本實驗試著利用浸泡時間、pH值環境等條件的改變去討論光電轉換率的變化與提升。


Ru transition-metal complexes (N3, N719) were the most commonly used dye to achieve high energy conversion efficiency up to 11% for dye-sensitized solar cells. The commercial Ru-dyes are, however, very expensive. Hence, in this experiment natural dyes extracted from chinese traditional drugs are used instead of N3 dye.The advantages of natural dyes include their low cost and environment pollution. The leaves of radix lithospermi and the dry petals of the chrysanthemum were added to methanol individually. This mixture was filtrated after it was stirred . The filtrate was remove residual water by adding dry sodium sulfate to it. The solvent of filtrate were removed under reduced pressure and final products were vacuum-dry thoroughly at 10-3 torr. The final products were purple and yellow solids. The dry powders of red yeast rice were added to methanol. This mixture was filtrated after it was stirred .The filtrate was remove residual water by adding dry sodium sulfate to it. The solvent of filtrate was removed by evaporation under reduced pressure and final products were vacuum-dry thoroughly at 10-3 torr. The final products were orange solids. The crude product was purified by column chromatography on silica gel using hexane and ethyl acetate( 7:3 ) as an eluent. The primary products : yellow solid(Rf=0.9286), yellow-green solid(Rf=0.5714), orange solid(Rf=0.3714),light-orange solid(Rf=0.3714),and light-yellow soid(Rf=0.2286). The working electrode was made of nanocrystalline TiO2 paste prepared by mixing the Degussa TiO2 (DP-25) with acetylacetone, triton X-100, and DI water. The TiO2 paste was uniformly dispersed on the FTO glass and calcined at 450 °C to form the final TiO2 electrode. Counter electrode is sputtered prepared 20 nm Pt film on FTO glass. The electrodes, electrolyte (I3‾), and dyes were assembled into a cell module and illuminated by light source of simulate AM1.5 with light strength of 100 mW/cm2 to perform the photoelectron conversion efficiency test. The better photoelectron conversion efficiency of chrysanthemum are 0.435% and 0.366%.On the other hand, the better photoelectron conversion efficiency of five red yeast rice pigments are 0.077%,0.007%, 0.024%, 0.022% and 0.021% , respectively. The effects of changing the time of immersing the coated electrodes in dye solution and pH of the solution are also discussed


DSSC radix lithospermi red yeast rice chrysanthemum TiO2


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