  • 學位論文

臺北站前區域既有補教設施 避難路徑安全檢討之研究

The Security Evaluation of the Emergent Evacuation Route for Existing Cram School — A Case Study on the District before the Taipei Railway Station

指導教授 : 楊詩弘


補習班在我國現行教育體制的演變下,早已成為升學管道中重要的一環,臺北車站站前區域中設立之補習班類型多達數十種,然而可發現許多補習班的學生是擠在狹窄或人數密度較高的教室內上課;有鑑於此,本研究目的在於:瞭解我國補教設施之空間配置及使用型態並建構我國補教設施逃生避難路徑管理機制。 而為聚焦於補教設施安全性之探討,研究範圍為1966年7月起至2009年12月底止於臺北火車站站前區域立案且取得補習班證號之50家國�高中升學補習班。 為能達到上述研究目的,將透過問卷調查、專家訪談、實地調查,和安全性能驗證,以檢視臺北市補教設施的安全避難性能。本研究進一步根據實際案例試算安全性能,結果發現,四個案例中有兩個案例高達40分鐘才能疏散完全部人員,極可能造成嚴重的問題;提出具體改善避難路徑之策略方向: 一、 建置防火管理人 二、 擬定完善的避難計畫 三、 加大出入口淨寬 四、 避難方向分流 五、 降低容留人數 期此研究結果能提供政府部門、補習班經營者及研究人員,在符合建築物公共安全的前提下,提升設施的安全性能之參考。


補習班 避難路徑


Cram schools have long become an integral part of the educational system in Taiwan. The Taipei Railway Station area has the highest density of crams schools in the country offering more than a dozen different types of subject areas and skills training. However, many of the students are “crammed” into small classrooms, and there are instances where multiple schools are located in the same building, which could be hazardous in an emergency situation. The objective of this research is to study the evacuation routes and the equipments used during an emergency situation in cram schools. The sample covered in this research includes 50 middle school / high school level cram schools situated in the Taipei Railway Station vicinity established between July 1966 and December 2009. All of the cram schools in the sample have legally registered with the Taipei City Bureau of Education. The method of research includes questionnaire surveys, professional interviews, onsite investigation, and safety equipment performance validation. This research also further studies actual cases to examine the safety performance of cram schools. In two of the four cases, the evacuation time was over 40 minutes during an emergency situation, which could potentially cause severe casualties. The research concludes and recommends the following to improve emergency evacuation: 1. Establish the position of fire marshal at all of the cram schools, 2. Complete emergency evacuation plan, 3. Increase net-width of entrance/exist doorway, 4. Establish separate evacuation routes, and 5. Reduce maximum occupancy at each location This research hopes to provide government, cram school owners and researchers recommendations to improve emergency evacuation performance of cram schools, under the premise of complying with building safety codes.


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