  • 學位論文


The study of wind environment that influence the arcade building in Subtropics

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


多數研究證實,良好的都市風環境能有效達到降低都市熱島效應,提高環境品質。隨著都市高密度發展,如何兼顧永續與環境平衡,並創造良好的都市風環境成為建築規劃時的重要考量。 「騎樓建築」為臺灣地域性建築語彙特色之一,也是臺灣常見的建築文化景觀。騎樓建築於都市中提供行人避風雨、防曬的半戶外舒適空間,也保有良好的通風環境,但伴隨現代大樓建築的興起,騎樓建築形式逐漸被無遮簷人行道取而代之。為瞭解騎樓建築於亞熱帶地區的重要性及影響性,本研究選擇兩種不同尺度的歷史街屋與現代大樓騎樓建築為研究對象,透過相關文獻整理探討不同騎樓建築型式與街谷H/D尺度對戶外風環境影響與其重要性。 研究採用Testo480環境檢測儀器進行戶外空間的風速、溫溼度等量測;再搭配電腦數值模擬之工具Ecotect Analysis解析騎樓建築外部環境風場及風環境舒適度。研究結果顯示,透過量測與模擬比較分析,建築與街谷H/D尺度較大者,風速也較大,但騎樓空間容易受太陽輻射熱直接影響。由此可知騎樓建築空間能保有穩定的風環境且有效減緩戶外輻射熱的影響,並提供行人行走的良好中介空間,是亞熱帶地區佔據重要地位的建築形式。


A well wind environment in city can reduce urban heat island effect and improve the quality of environment was proved by many studies. So, it’s an important consideration about, how to trade off the developments between sustainable environment and high density growth in urban area under a well wind environment. "Arcade" is one of the regional architectural vocabulary in Taiwan. It is a popular architecture culture style. Arcade is a comfortable semi-outdoor space in city that can provide people a shelter to resist rain and sunshine, and also maintain proper ventilation environment. While the development of modern architecture, arcade was replaced by marquee sidewalks gradually. In order to understand the importance and the influence of the arcade in subtropical regions, this study discuss impact to two different scale historical town houses and one modern building with arcade based on street canyons and H/D-scale effects. Firstly, this research used the Testo480 environmental measuring equipment to measure the wind speed, temperature and humidity of outdoor space. Secondly, using Ecotect Analysis to simulate the external wind environment of arcade. Through measuring and simulation analysis, the results present that higher H/D scale buildings and street canyon with higher wind speed. Otherwise, lower H/D-scale with lower wind speed. Higher H/D scale buildings and street canyon with direct impact from solar radiant heat. On the country, lower H/D scale without solar radiant heat impact. Research result proved that arcade can keep wind environment stability and reduce the impact of radiant heat. So, the architecture form of arcade play an important position in subtropical region which provided as an intermediary walking space for people.


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