  • 學位論文


A Creation and Evaluation on the Augmented Reality Game Based on Tangible Interaction

指導教授 : 李來春


科技日新月異,現代人幾乎手上都有一支智慧型手機。人們身處於實體世界透過智慧行動裝置來擷取數位世界的資訊,而人機互動的目標便是幫助人們能更容易跨足數位和實體的世界。擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)是讓使用者更直覺得擷取數位資訊的一項技術,在應用上大多還是屬於軟體介面的互動。然而未來可能出現穿戴式的AR,系統的操作勢必要回歸到實體物件的操作介面上,但目前的AR應用較少結合實體互動(Tangible Interaction)的設計。 本創作「盒戰」,結合實體使用者介面(Tangible User Interface, TUI)以及AR,是一款雙人對戰的戰棋策略遊戲。創作的概念是設計一個實體裝置,其本身會對AR的數位內容產生實際的回饋反應。實體盒子就是一個堡壘,雙方玩家手持平板控制虛擬的士兵占領堡壘截取資源,最後將象徵敵方堡壘的盒子用虛擬的士兵將其擊倒,即可獲得勝利。 本研究經由文獻與相關案例的探討,歸納TUI和AR應有之創作要素以及於實體互動設計目標,且依據其理論基礎進行裝置開發,開發出應用程式。接著,依照遊戲心流理論以及系統評估量表,對最後的系統創作成果進行評估。最後,研究者回顧本研究之創作歷程,針對相關研究成果進行歸納探討,提出具體建議。 經過實驗評估與觀察的結果,本系統有平板電腦 AR 的控制介面,以及 TUI 實體。互動的部分,研究者觀察受測者的操作情形,受測者多半還是專注於平板電腦的控制介面,未來需要在進一步設計情境讓使用者專注力回到實體互動。經統計結果發現受測者普遍能接受這樣的互動方式。AR 加入了實體的互動,對於使用者是一種新體驗,TUI使得整個互動體驗是比一般的 AR 應用來的有趣。


Technology is changing rapidly, smart phone become more popular then ever. The People, who is in physical world, access data through by smart devices. The goal of Human-computer interaction is try to help people to fill the gap which between digital and physical worlds. Augmented Reality (AR) it’s a technique to let users more intuitive to access digital data. Most application still belongs to the software interactive interface. However, future operations with wearable AR return to the interactive with physical object, but the current AR applications are less combined with tangible Interaction. This creation "Box War", which is combining Tangible User Interface (TUI) and AR, is a double players SLG strategy game. The concept is a tangible device, which would react to the AR digital content, with physical feedback. Physical wooden box represent a fortress, both players use tablet computer to control virtual soldiers occupied the fortress and to interception resources. The goal of the game is to knock down the fortress, which is the king’s castle, then to win the game. Through the studies of literature and relevant case, summed TUI and AR as well as in the creation of the proper elements with tangible interaction goals, then to develop a tangible devices with AR application. Then, to evaluate the creation final results by the Game Flow theory and System usability scale. Finally, the researchers reviewed the creative process of this study were summarized for the relevant research results discussed specific proposals. According to the result experimental evaluation and observation. The system has both AR and TUI interface, the researcher observed that operate in the system, subjects were mostly still focused on the Tablet PC control interface. In future needs more design with the contexts of interaction. Makes users more focus on tangible interaction. The statistical results showed that subjects were generally able to accept this mode of interaction. AR interaction added tangible interaction. It’s a new experience for the user of AR. Tangible interaction makes the interactive experience more interesting than the common AR applications.


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