  • 學位論文


The Study of Hazard and Risk for Earthquake Fire in Urban Area

指導教授 : 張寬勇


台灣地狹人稠,人口集中在都會區,現今發展出的六都就佔全國將近七成的人口,一旦災害發生,往往會造成很大程度的影響甚至是傷害。加上本島位於太平洋地震帶上,地震頻繁,如果建築物因為地震而引發火災,勢必會進一步對民眾造成生命以及財產的損失,因此如何減少震後火災可能造成的傷亡與損失,便成為防災一項重要的課題。 雖然民國87年4月實施消防安全設備檢修申報制度以來,台灣火災件數大幅降低,但由於921集集大地震與331花蓮地震,分別對台北市仍分別發生29起與60起震後火災與瓦斯外洩等事故造成嚴重的災情,加上國內對於建築物相關的震後火災發生因子的研究尚未完備,因此研究歸納出震後火災相關危險度因子與權重,以作為都市建築物消防規劃的參考依據便成為當務之急。 本研究運用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)進行分析,透過問卷的形式彙整統計專家學者的意見後,建構出都市建築物震後火災潛在致災風險因子。藉由構面之權重分析出其重要性:得出在「消防安全設備」、「防火設施」、「動線情形」、「管理機制」中以消防安全設備之權重最高。此外,也得到指標權重前五項分別為「自動撒水設備之設置完善」、「耐燃材料之使用」、「防火區劃之構成無破壞」、「防火門(安全門)之關閉」、「實施防火管理(用火、用電、用瓦斯之安全)」。 此結果印證了目前震後火災潛在成因,顯示本研究所建構之相關因子權重符合現況,且能將震後火災因子系統化,有效簡化分析架構,且可見專家群中於部分因子的相對重要性存在差異,客觀統整各類專家對於震後火災之意見。 本研究的預期成果包含:歸納出都市建築物震後火災的危害因子,以建構建築物震後火災因子權重的雛形,來推導出都市建築物震後火災危險度評估方法,並分析結果,除可作為日後相關業務單位藉由講習來提昇民眾防火意識及緊急應變能力,更可提供相關單位做為未來法規修正之參考。


Taiwan is an alpine and mountainous island. So typhoon and earthquake will hit Taiwan frequently. Once it happens, it will cause serious damage to people who lives densely populated and highly business activity area. Due to the dmage mentioned earlier, how to decrease the harm and casualties in severe post-earthquake fire was become an important issue. In order to concern the post-earthquake fire impact factors and fire managements of buildings, such as fire safety equipments, fire safety, moving line situations, and management mechanisms. All thses factors were summarized and obtain the risk factor, and the risk factors will be used as a basis for planning of urban fire. In this study, we uses the questionnaires to collect the opinions of experts who has experience in post-earthquake fire analysis. After collect all the opinions, we figure out the factor of buildings which in a risk of post-earthquake fire. In stead of collecting opinions of experts, we also uses Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze data. Besides, we confirm the weight distribution of dimensions repeatedly. The importance of on weight of dimensions which needs priorities to concern was list below: (1) fire safety equipments, (2) fire facilities, (3) moving line scenarios, (4) management mechanism. In these of four consideration, the fire safety equipments have the highest weight than others. After analysis, the result of the most five important influence factors which under the five dimensions we mentioned earlier were list below: (1) water sprinkler system, (2) refractory materials, (3) fire division, (4) fire doors (security doors), (5) fire management. As a result, by using AHP to analyzed, the current post-earthquake fire are the same as we concerned, and post-earthquake fire can be systematized. In the opinion of experts, there actually has difference between some parts of factors. In this study, the expected results included: summarize the post-earthquake fire factors of buildings; construct a prototype of weighting factors in post-earthquake fire for building; derive the urban risk assessment methodology of building fire and analysis. This study not only enhances public awareness of post-earthquake fire prevention and emergency response abilities, but also provides a reference of regulations amending to Taiwan government in future.


