  • 學位論文


A Study of Waste Mercury Containing Parts Treatment by Using Thermal Desorption Technology

指導教授 : 張添晉


近代社會之類型,已由過去傳統農業,邁向工業發展,而逐步朝向高科技取向之社會結構,此發展之變化,除帶領生活不斷向上提升,卻也遺留許多嚴重之環境危害,其中汞為一極特殊之物質,由於其液態金屬之性質,自數十年前,甚至數千年前,已利用於生活當中。過去工業社會亦大幅度廣泛使用,尤其是工業用之組裝元件,多有使用大量含汞之物質,諸如冷陰極管、高汞曝光燈、紫外線燈管、含汞繼電器、含汞溫控開關、含汞傾斜開關、工業用流量計及車輛含汞元件等。 本研究選定三種高度危害性含汞元件(含汞繼電器、含汞開關及高強度氣體放電燈),探討含汞元件之常見基本類型及其特性,並了解其應用之領域及原理,同時蒐集國內外相關含汞元件之處理技術資料、專案研究報告及期刊、市場流向訪視、國內外管理法規及研討會論文集等文獻,進而彙整其基本性質及特性、使用現況分析、管理現況分析及相關處理技術,以作為研究之理論基礎。同時根據所針對之汞廢棄物回收處理技術,建置含汞元件之實驗設備及流程,並考量各廢含汞元件之特性進行分析及評估其最適之操作參數,進而達到最佳處理回收之處理方式。 針對三種含汞元件,本研究針對其特性、結構及類型,分別設計標準拆解程序,可先行移除24%~47%之純汞部分,經拆解後之秤重結果,處理一組含汞量180 g之含汞繼電器,相當於處理13,000至15,000支之日光燈管。根據本研究所呈現之熱脫附結果,三元件之最適處理溫度:含汞開關200℃持溫1小時、含汞繼電器360℃持溫2小時及高強度氣體放電燈150℃持溫1小時,分別可達到汞脫附量2.5951 mg/kg、8.0068 mg/kg及26.2096 mg/kg,足以佐證其可直接進行再利用之程序,與目前實廠處理之實際現況(700℃以上持溫6小時不等)相比較,其實驗結果可進一步改良對於高度含汞元件之處理技術,除能避免其高度危害性外,亦可大幅度降低處理成本、提高經濟效益及降低環境風險,朝向零廢棄、全回收之目標邁進。


The present modern society has transformed from the past agricultural economy to the nowadays industrial development and an even more high technology base. This change has not only brought a lot of benefits to our lives but also carried many harmful impacts and disadvantages to our environment. A large amount of mercury is being widely applied in industrially assembly parts, for example the cold cathode tube, the highly mercury containing exposure lamp, the ultraviolet lamp tube, the mercury containing relay, the mercury containing warm-control switch, the mercury containing inclining switch, the industrial current capacity, the mercury containing vehicle parts and so on. This research has selected three kinds of highly harmful parts, including the mercury containing relay, the mercury containing switch, the high intensity electric lamp. In order to analyze their basic types and characteristics, it is important to understand how they are applied and what those theories are. The study initially needs to collect all relevant information about the techniques of processing mercury from those professional reports, such as journals, market surveys, regulations, papers, and academic literatures as well. Then, using and managing current analysis of processing techniques are both the ways get the basic types and characteristics from three highly harmful components. Meanwhile, building a well laboratory with completed equipments and procedures is aimed at gathering more effective and efficient results from all experiments, based on processing techniques of recycling mercury wastes. The thesis has divided into three sections of dealing with the characteristics, structures, and types from three kinds of mercury containing components. In the beginning, it is necessary to design a standard procedure of removing 24%~47% pure mercury. After the removing, its weight is about one set of 180g mercury containing relay, is equal to 13,000 to 15,000 pcs of daylight tubes. According to the result of Thermal Desorption from our laboratory, there are three adequately processing temperatures including the mercury containing switch with holding 1-hour warm in 200 ℃, the mercury containing relay with holding 2-hour warm in 360 ℃, the highly intensity electric lamp with holding 1-hour warm in 150 ℃. To compare with the current practice in terms of holding about 6-hour warm in above 700 ℃, this experiment can improve the processing technique of highly mercury containing components, avoid high harmfulness, reduce the processing cost, enhance the economic efficiency, and diminish the risk of environmental damages towards to reach the goals of zero waste and total recycling.


NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection, 2005.


