  • 學位論文


The Effects of Anxiety, Worry, and Uncertainty on Infection Control Nurse Working Stress During SARS

指導教授 : 陳品玲


嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome;SARS)是二十一世紀最嚴重且已經造成全球傳播的新興傳染病。然而目前關於SARS事件所造成心理衝擊,其研究大多數是以臨床的醫事人員為主,針對SARS期間感控護理人員的相關研究卻鮮少見過。本研究之目的,在探討SARS期間感控護理人員之焦慮、SARS特定困擾及不確定感對工作壓力之影響。研究方法係採橫斷式調查研究法,為一描述相關性研究設計(descriptive correlation design),以結構式問卷為研究工具進行收集資料,並以台灣地區設有感染控制委員會或感控小組之感控護理人員為對象,進行其焦慮、特定困擾及不確定感對工作壓力之影響的調查。本研究結果顯示: 1. 感控護理人員在SARS期間有高比例處於高焦慮狀態,其焦慮程度會因個人基本屬性(宗教信仰虔誠度、工作年資、工作性質、感控師執照、處理過SARS事件經驗、收治過SARS病人及成立跨單位SARS工作小組或應變中心)不同而有顯著差異。 2. 感控護理人員在SARS期間普遍面臨中或高程度之特定困擾,其SARS特定困擾程度會因個人基本屬性(年齡及婚姻)不同而有顯著差異。 3. 感控護理人員在SARS期間面臨中等程度的不確定感,其不確定感程度不會因不同個人基本屬性有顯著差異。 4. 感控護理人員在SARS期間其工作壓力處於中低程度,其工作壓力程度會因不同個人基本屬性(工作性質)有顯著差異。感控護理人員SARS期間自覺最主要的工作壓力是人力不足,佔21.74%,其他工作壓力源依次為缺乏行政長官之支持(15.65%),不確定感(13.91%),專業知識、經驗不足(10.43%),衛生政令不一致(6.96%)。 5. SARS期間感控護理人員的工作壓力與焦慮、SARS特定困擾有顯著相關,顯示焦慮愈高,工作壓力也相對增加,同樣的SARS特定困擾愈高,工作壓力也相對增加。 根據本研究提出下列建議:一、加強行政長官對感控護理人員的心理感受之察覺,並主動提供相關訊息、情緒支持及實質上鼓勵,讓感控人員能在身心安適狀態下從事感控業務。二、衛政單位能具體提供一致性的新興傳染病之防疫相關資訊,以降低焦慮、特定困擾及不確定感與工作壓力。三、增設員工心理諮商服務,適當疏導感控護理人員之心理負擔。四、加強舉辦感控護理人員減壓的相關教育課程。


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS) is the most serious new infectious disease of 21 centuries and has already caused a global dissemination. Most studies focus on stress and psychological impact among healthcare workers, but seldom seen the study of infection control nurse during SARS. The purpose of this study was to determine the associations between the working stress and anxiety, worry, uncertainty on infection control nurse during SARS. A descriptive correlation design, and was conducted via self-structured questionnaire collected by mail. Two hundred and forty-six questionnaires were returned(61.5%). Significant results were as followed: 1. Infection control nurse had very high percentage of anxiety and the level of anxiety significantly influenced by religion devoutness, working experience, working nature, infection control license, SARS handling experience, and taking care of SARS patient and participate establishing the SARS Fast Response Center. 2. Infection control nurse faced medium to high worry and the level of worry considerably influenced by age and marriage. 3. Infection control nurse suffered medium uncertainty and the level of uncertainly did not influenced by personal attributes. 4. Infection control nurse had high percentage of working stress. Their working stress influenced by working nature. The contributions of the working stress were insufficient workers (21.74%), lack of superior support (15.65%), uncertainty (13.91%), inadequate professional knowledge and experience (10.43%), and discrepancy of policies (6.96%). 5. The effects of working stress, anxiety, and worry are obvious and related. The higher the anxiety, the working stress generates. The more worry, the working stress. According to the results of the study, we suggested: 1. Enhance the management to realize the feelings of infection control nurse and proactively provide related information, spiritual support and physical encourage, letting infection control nurse working comfortably with their profession. 2. Department of Health should timely provide consistent newly arisen infectious disease and epidemic prevention information to reduce the anxiety, worry, uncertainty, and working stress. 3. Establish mental counsel service to reduce stress. 4. Strengthen the training courses of decompress for the infection control personnel.


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