  • 學位論文

結合觸感技術設計互動式電腦學習系統 -以牙科脫蠟鑄造噴火槍融熔鈀銀合金為例

Using Haptic Technology to Design Computer Assisted Learning Systems for Dental Casting Training – In the Case of melting palladium silver alloy with a dental lost-wax casting blow torch

指導教授 : 劉建財


牙科鑄造學(Dental Casting)對於牙體技術學系學生及牙體技術師而言是非常重要的一門科目,無論是在小型到大型的假牙修復物,都需要使用鑄造技術。目前牙科修復物主要之鑄造方式仍以脫蠟鑄造(Dental Lost-Wax Casting technique)為主,牙科脫蠟鑄造最常利用噴火槍(blow torch或稱blow pipe)融熔合金,但調整噴火槍並利用噴火槍熔融金屬之過程相當複雜、危險與困難,需透過不斷的練習以熟悉調整方式,但初學者無法獨自使用這些高危險性的鑄造器械練習,需有鑄造專業知識的教師陪伴,否則將造成鑄造失敗損失成本,更可能釀成嚴重公安意外。 為了提供一個讓初學者安全學習的環境、減少學習訓練耗材成本,並且能夠在操作練習時給予即時的指導,降低教學者的教學負擔,並記錄學習者的操作過程供教學者與學習者有效掌握學習效果,因此本研究建立一個電腦輔助教學系統(Computer Assisted Instruction ; CAI),透過Flash製作各項視覺化的模擬元件及模擬環境,並使用觸感(Haptic)技術操控模擬環境,藉此模擬噴火槍操作方式,讓使用者透過此系統的使用,熟悉噴火槍火焰調整與融熔金屬的方式,再透過即使語音指導功能的建置,讓學習者獲得系統即時的教導。系統為了有效模擬噴火槍的操作方式與噴火槍進行金屬熔融所產生的現象,遂採用任天堂公司所開發的Nintendo Wii Remote 觸感(Haptic)無線互動裝置進行噴火槍的模擬,再將Haptic裝置的操作訊號透過藍芽傳輸的方式傳入電腦主機,進行操作CAI系統中的模擬環境。 本雛形系統發展出帳號管理、教學指導、自我訓練及報表模組,並由後端Tutoring資料庫支援教學指導及自我訓練模組的操作方式及規則,在此二模組中的訓練方是即使用Haptic裝置模擬噴火槍調整與金屬融熔的操做。Log資料庫記錄學習者操作系統之軌跡,其操作軌跡包括使用者登入、登出、操作時間、操作日期、選擇之學習模組、操作過程中所發生的錯誤事件等等資訊,最後提供報表模組讓使用者及教學者能夠掌握學習狀況,讓學習者了解自我學習成效,也能讓教學者針對學習者之弱點進行強化。本系統之建立不僅能有效模擬噴火槍調整,其直覺性操作、有效監控學習過程以及即時教導功能的鑄造輔助教學環境,不僅能提供學生自我學習、減低教學成本、提昇操作安全、還能有效掌握學生學習狀態並降低教師教學負擔。


Dental casting is a very important discipline for students of dental technology and dental technicians. Small denture fixtures, e.g. inlays, onlays, crowns, endodontic posts and large denture bases all require the casting technique. In the dental field, lost-wax casting technique is one of the favorite methods to fabricate denture for dental technicians. The lost-wax dental casting process use high temperature to melt metal alloys. The most frequently used instrument in the dental lost-wax casting technique to melt metal alloys for dental technicians is the blow torch (or called blow pipe). However, adjustment of the blow pipe is dangerous and difficult to a certain degree and hence requires repeated practice to do it well. Beginners cannot practice by themselves and need guidance from a teacher. Otherwise it will result in casting failure and cost losses. In a worst scenario, it may also lead to a serious public safety accident. This study uses the computer assisted instruction (CAI) with the visual interface and Wii remote haptic wireless interactive device developed by Nintendo to effectively simulate blow pipe adjustment and establish an assisted casting training environment that is authentic, intuitive, and can effectively monitor the learning process for students to learn spontaneously, cut down the teaching cost, enhance operation safety, and reduce the teacher’s burden.


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