  • 學位論文


The Implementation and Application of Electronic Discount Coupons An Example the Virtual Channeling Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 盧以詮博士


在競爭激烈與不景氣的商業環境中,企業透過電視、型錄、網路、手機等虛擬通路吸引龐大的消費者市場,每個人都盡自己最大的能力推廣各式行銷手法,商家如何提出誘人及時效性高且具體的行銷資訊系統,則是本研究結果希望能有所助益的地方。   本論文主旨在改善現有虛擬通路商之傳統紙本優惠券流程,整合電子資訊、通訊科技、企業促銷活動與組織流程管理,建立高時效、低成本、無污染的電子優惠券創新觀念,透過資訊管理系統導入應用,突破優惠券的限制:如預算及發行量的控制,遺失及誤兌的問題,複製、偽造及篡改的缺點,讓遠距顧客享有高品質的促銷優惠活動。   電子優惠券資訊與通訊管理系統涉及七個成功關鍵面向:組織功能與帳號角色管理、預算與資源分配管理、優惠券管理、促銷活動管理、訂單管理、購物平台、系統自動化管理等,充分運用票券整合訂單與商品關係,快速產生、發行優惠券及提供顧客簡便的使用機制,以有限的企業資源與財務成本的控制下符合實際運作的理論研究及實務發展,並保留原有的資訊管理系統流程架構,在互不衝突的資訊流程下進行系統導入應用。研究結果希望電子優惠券促銷活動未來結合商品供應商,提供高附加優惠價值,滿足更多的顧客,吸引更多的新客戶,共創新商機。


With the negative turn in the highly competitive economy, business enterprises have started using the television, the Internet, catalogs and mobile phones as virtual means of reaching the large consumer market; everyone is doing all they can in terms of utilizing all the sales tactics they can think of. Hopefully, the research done in this paper may be helpful to businesses in creating an effective marketing system based on good timing and attractive advertising.  The purpose of this paper is to improve virtual businesses by incorporating the new concept of the e-discount coupons. The integration of digital information, communications technology, promotional campaign and organizational process management should result in an efficient low-cost and waste-free e-discount coupon. With the correct System Information Management, limitations of the traditional coupon – such as the control of budget and quantity, the problem of forgery, or tampering of the coupon – could be overcome. E-discount coupons should benefit even the long-distance customers, so that everyone may enjoy the high-quality promotional offers of the business.  There are seven key points that lead to a successful e-discount coupons Information and Communication Management System: the role of organization and account management, budget and resource allocation management, discount management, promotional management, order management, shopping platform, automated management system. When the new application does not conflict with the current informational process, E-discount coupons will help track the effectiveness of virtual promotions, improving the productivity and distribution of coupons and simplifying the act of purchase for the consumers. Effectively using the limited resources and budget in the operation’s theoretical research and practical development should allow the preservation of the original Information Management system. This research will hopefully encourage the partnership of the seller and the e-discount coupons, increase the value of the additional benefits, satisfy more customers, attract new buyers, and create new business opportunities.


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