  • 學位論文


A Study of Canvassing Hospital Specialism Strategy with Balanced Scorecard

指導教授 : 李弘暉 博士


本論文採個案研究方式,以平衡計分卡觀念,從財務構面、顧客構面、內部流程構面與學習成長構面,觀察本研究個案在實施專科化經營策略後,其經營績效的變化,藉以提供未來實施專科經營管理策略的參考。 共分析四個單位63個指標,研究結果顯示: 一、 財務構面:對財務績效的達成有正面的效果。 二、 顧客構面:應配合指標管理才會有正面效果。 三、 內部流程構面:應建立完善的管理制度,才能持續改善。 四、 學習成長構面:應加強員工教育訓練,誘導員工才能、技術、潛能的發揮。 建議醫院在推動專科化經營制度時,應先協助執行單位確立中長期的事業策略與功能性策略,建立衡量指標,才能有效管控,達到良好的經營績效。


This paper adopts the method of case study and with the concept of Balanced Scorecard to observe the differences of performances in Financial Dimension, Customer Dimension, Internal Process Dimension and Learning and Growth Dimension after the study case applying the Specialism Strategy. This study provides reference of applying the Specialism Strategy in the future. This study analyzed 4 units and the outcome results show 63 guidelines. 1. In Financial Dimension: Achieve positive financial performance. 2. In Customer Dimension: To have positive administrative result, the hospital should follow the guidelines. 3. In Internal Process Dimension: To keep improving constantly, the hospital should build fare-thee-well administrative system. 4. In Learning and Growth Dimension: To derive employee’s competence, skill and capability, the hospital should reinforce employee’s educational training courses. When the hospital promotes the Specialism System, my suggestion is to assist the executing unit to confirm the mid-log-termed business and functional strategies, and to build measuring criteria; therefore, the hospital can control effectively and achieve will performance.



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陳鈺婷(2007)。轉型醫療環境下台灣私立綜合醫院經營策略之研究 --以敏盛綜合醫院為個案〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.01038
