  • 學位論文


Establishing Satisfaction Evaluation Indicators of Trade Show Participants

指導教授 : 李博謙 博士


本研究在發展建立貿易展覽中參展廠商對展覽主辦單位滿意度的衡量指標,以文獻探討加上專家學者及展覽公會的成員加上部份代表廠商的深入訪談,首先探討出展覽中主辦單位、參展廠商之間的關係,再者分析出主辦單位的展覽籌劃到展前及展中作為如何影響參展廠商的參展準備及績效,最後又如何影響參展效益及滿意度。 再以上述訪談、實際經驗及分析整理出貿易展覽中主辦單位的五大作為構面及其變項,及評估參展廠商參展績效因素及參展滿意度之構面,先於2004年9月在中國湖北省武漢舉行「武漢工業展」中進行首次問卷調查,經修正問卷之後,再利用2005年7月於台北世貿中心展覽一館舉行的「台北國際模具暨設備展」及「台北國際生物科技展」等兩個展覽進行正式參展廠商問卷調查,事後利用因素分析及迴歸分析,解讀出主辦單位的五個作為構面(展覽整體水準、行銷活動表現、展場怖置、人員服務品質、進退場支援)如何影響廠商不同面向的參展滿意度(攤位位置滿意度、服務滿意度、籌備工作滿意度、參展績效滿意度、整體滿意度),經剔除不適當的變項進而發展出正式的「商展參展廠商滿意度評量」。


This study is to develop and establish the satisfaction evaluation indicators of trade show participants toward exhibition host, through literature study, in-depth interviews with experts, members of exhibition association, and some of the representative participants. First, we discuss the relationship between exhibition host and participants, and then analyze the actions of exhibition host during planning stage, exhibition stage and post-exhibition stage and its impact on participants’ performance and preparation, and last, we discuss about its influence on effectiveness and satisfaction of exhibition. Based on the above interviews and actual experiences, the five aspects of actions of trade show exhibition host and its variances will be analyzed and summarized. In September 2004, the initial questionnaire survey was conducted in WuHan, HuBei, China. After revising the questionnaire, the survey was conducted again in July 2005 at Exhibition Hall 1 of Taipei World Trade Center by the participants of two exhibitions—“Taipei International Mold and Equipment Exhibition” and “Taipei International Bio-Tech Exhibition”. Factor analysis and regression analysis were used afterwards to evaluate five aspects of actions of exhibition host (overall quality level of exhibition, marketing performance, exhibition layout, service personnel quality, and entrance/exit support) and its impact on the satisfaction level of participants toward various aspects (booth position, service, preparation, participating effectiveness, and overall satisfaction). After deleting improper variances, a formal “Satisfaction Evaluation of Exhibition Participants” is developed.


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