  • 學位論文


The Study of Website Information Extraction and Corporate Image Preservation

指導教授 : 邱昭彰


虛擬社群(如部落格、網路相簿等)或網路社群(如討論區、newgroups等),在網絡相連的情況下,儼然成為一個龐大無比訊息交流集散地,流傳及散佈著人們生活上各式各樣的意見。對企業經營而言,虛擬社群留存資訊的價值可視為了解顧客意見與分析行為的重要來源。本研究中提出一個處理虛擬社群中文字訊息的方法與架構,即時了解顧客需求與訊息,可作為幫助企業在資訊時代提昇服務品質與顧客滿意度的最佳利器。在研究中,我們以收集部落格中與國道電子收費系統(ETC in Taiwan)有關之輿論意見為例,採用文件探勘技術進行資料分析與知識萃取,將相關文件群集後以知識地圖方式作視覺化呈現,再透與案例推理技術進行新生事件案例推理與建議,供企業管理階層與輿情評估小組進行作進一步的風險評估、因應與危機處理。


In the state of inter-networking, virtual communities (such as blog or photo-sharing website) or online communities (such as discussion group or newsgroup) become an enormous information exchange center where people’s different opinions are spread and distributed. As far as business management is concerned, the value of the information reserved in those communities can be seen as an important source for understanding customers’ opinions and analyzing their behaviors. In this research, a mechanism and an architecture of processing those Chinese information in virtual community is proposed, which can assist in understanding customers’ demand and message instantly and could be seen as the best suite for enterprise to improve service quality and customer satisfaction in this information age. In the research, we collected public opinions regarding Taiwan’s implementation of ETC (The Highway Electronic Toll) from several blog for our sample, and then conducted data mining technique for processing information analysis and knowledge extraction. After presenting those clustered documents with visualized knowledge map, we proceeded to do Case-Based Reasoning on new cases. Thus, we can provide the reasoned result and suggestion to corporation management and public opinion evaluation group for further risk analysis, risk reaction and crisis control.


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