  • 學位論文


Extend Assurance Region and Context-dependent Data Envelopment Analysis Models and the Applications

指導教授 : 鄭雅穗


本研究以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopmenr Analysis)中之確定區域(assurance region)及情境相依(context-dependent)概念為基礎,提出4個修正模式:(1)為處理對等比較(bilateral comparison)模式中等級和檢定(rank sum test)可能出現之同序(tie)問題,以確定區域模式所得之投入產出項權數計算交叉效率(cross efficiency measure)進行排序,提出對等比較修正模式;(2)補正改進度計算方式的差額分析(slack-based measure)情境相依修正模式;(3)加入投入及產出項目權重限制的確定區域情境相依模式;(4)投入導向確定區域麥氏指數(Malmquist index)。經分析層級法(Analytic Hierarchy Process)取得投入及產出項權重並以上述修正模式對臺灣地區1998-2007年國際觀光旅館產業之營運績效進行實證。 橫斷面資料的實證結果顯示:(1)對等比較修正模式之檢定結果為國際連鎖與獨立經營旅館業者之營運績效並無顯著差異;(2)情境相依概念發展出的3種模式中,確定區域情境相依模式對資料分析的敏感度較高;(3)確定區域情境相依模式建構的的產業標竿分析(benchmarking)架構,有助於旅館業者識別出適當的學習者及競爭者;(4)整體產業之平均技術效率值為0.748,經營績效尚可,但業者之技術能力有待提昇;(5)旅館業者間之技術交流或創新擴散並無過多障礙。 縱斷面資料的實證結果顯示:(1)整體產業之長期生產力呈現成長,生產力成長之主要因素為技術變革而非技術效率成長;(2)旅館產業之規模報酬出現衰退,顯示旅館產業競爭激烈;(3)國際觀光旅館產業之成長或衰退與政府促進產業發展作法具有密切關連性,政府宜提出具體作為以協助旅館產業之發展。 在管理意涵的詮釋上,以經營效率與平均總要素生產力變動值建立管理決策矩陣,將旅館業者區分出6種類型,以協助業者訂定產業發展策略。本研究提出的修正模式擴充了資料包絡分析法的研究領域,實證結果則可協助旅館業者瞭解自身所在的產業位置及競爭環境,作為資源改善或策略調整之參考。


Based on the concepts of assurance region and context-dependent of data envelopment analysis(DEA), this research proposes the following four modified models: (1) bilateral comparison modified model, which handles the possible tie problems during the process of rank sum test, and uses the input and output weights obtained from the assurance region model to calculate the cross efficiency for sorting; (2) slack-based measure context-dependent modified model, which improves the progress calculation method; (3) assurance region context-dependent model, which includes the weight limits of input and output items; (4) input-oriented assurance region Malmquist index. The restricted weights derived by analytic hierarchy process in measuring the performance of 33 selected Taiwanese international tourist hotels during the years 1998-2007. Empirical results indicate that: (1) the test result by bilateral comparison modified model shows that there is no significant difference between international chain hotels and independent-owned ones; (2) assurance region context-dependent model has more of an efficiency segment than context-dependent and slack-based measure context-dependent model; (3) benchmarking constructed by assurance region context-dependent model provides feasible approaches toward gradual improvements for inefficient hotels; (4) the overall technical efficiency score of the industry is 0.748, with medium performance; however, the technical ability should be improved; (5) there is little obstacles to technique exchanges and innovation expansion among hotels; (6) the mainly reason of hotel industry growth is not technical efficiency change but technique change; (7) most hotels have a decreasing returns to scale, indicating severe competition in the industry; (8) the growth and decline of hotel industry are closely aligned with the government policy for promoting tourism industry development. Finally, we establish a management strategy matrix of the hotel industry based on performance efficiency and average total factor productivity change scores, and identify the market position of hotels from the aspects of competitive advantages and technical advantages to serve as references for development strategies. The modified models proposed by this research expand the research domain of DEA. The empirical results can help hotel practitioners understanding their market positions and competitive environments, in order to apply on resources improvements and strategy adjustments.


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