  • 學位論文


User Experience Study on Health Examination – A Case Study of State-owned Enterprise

指導教授 : 高浩雲


研究目的 於目前健檢服務相關研究與調查,大多為顧客滿意度調查、實施成效為主,鮮少以使用者經驗探討,本研究將採用質性訪談法深入探討民眾在接受健檢服務時實際體驗感受,並歸納出民眾對健檢服務重視的層面與日後選擇健檢服務之因素。本研究目的整理為下列三點:一、瞭解民眾接受健檢服務頻率及意願。二、瞭解民眾在接受健檢服務後之體驗經驗。三、瞭解民眾根據健檢體驗的經驗是否會對於日後選擇健檢服務造成影響。 研究方法 本研究採用質性研究方法,並採用半結構式訪談法之深入訪談(in-deth interview)作為資料蒐集的方法,以某國營企業員工為研究參與者,並採取類統計分析(quasi-statistical analysis)方法進行分析,本研究將在訪談資料中進行歸納分析瞭解其文字資料間的關聯性,最後提出歸納後之結論。 研究結果 本研究發現受訪者接受的健檢服務以公司所提供之「員工健檢」為主,僅有少數有自費健檢的經驗,並經研究願意花費在健檢的費用約為5000~1萬元,且健檢需求會依年齡增長而需求提高,故未來醫療院所在發展規劃健檢服務時應把握「高齡市場」,對於要再找一天或半天到醫院健檢的意願不高,所以醫療院所若能在提供員工健檢服務前先行至單位做衛教宣導或推薦,在員工健檢當天一併進行檢查,能有效提升民眾對於自費檢查的意願。 本研究發現受訪者因多接受員工健檢,所以對於醫療設備的新穎度不會在要求範圍內,反而對於「動線的規劃」與「隱私」比較要求,良好的動線規劃可以減少移動與等待時間,提升滿意度;醫療院所若能在隱私方面受到尊重,能讓女性民眾降低尷尬與不舒服的感覺,也是未來規劃上所能考慮的因素。 受訪者對於日後健檢服務的選擇有三大因素「離家距離」、「口碑」與「過去經驗」。 結論與建議 目前醫療機構為追求永續經營,自費健康檢查便成為各家醫院積極發展的項目。然而,在激烈競爭的自費健檢市場中,如何佔有一席之地,首先要先了解顧客的需求,除了地域性的因素外,醫院院所首要是要有良好的動線規劃與隱私的保護,才能提供參與健檢的民眾良好的印象與經驗,並做為下一次健檢服務的參考。


Objectives In the current health examinations service related research and survey, most of the customer satisfaction investigation and implementation effect, rarely to user experience, this study will adopt a qualitative interview method to explore people in health checks when actual experience, and induce people to health checks the level of service value and choice factors of health inspection service in the future. The purpose of this study is as follows: 1.To understand the frequency and willingness of the public to receive health examination services. 2.To understand the public's experience after receiving the health check service. 3. To understand whether the public's experience in health check-up will influence their choice of health check-up service in the future. Methods This study adopts qualitative research methods, and USES the semi-structured interview method of in-depth interviews (in - deth interview) as a means of data collection in a state-owned enterprise employees as the research participants, and take the quasi-statistical analysis method carries on the Analysis. This research will be summarized in the interview data Analysis to understand the correlation between written materials, finally put forward the inductive conclusion. Results This study found that respondents to accept health inspection service provided to the company of "employee health examination " give priority to, only a few have experience self-paid examinations, and research is willing to spend on health checks the cost is about 5000 ~ 10000 yuan, and health checks demand will be improved in accordance with the age growth and demand, and therefore the future medical institutions in the service development plan for health checks should grasp "elder market".people won’t like to get a day or half a day to go to the hospital health examination so if hospitals can provide employees health checks prior to the unit to do health education propaganda or recommend, in employee health examination on the same day as inspection, can effectively improve people to own examination.   In this study, it was found that respondents were more likely to accept employee health checks, so the novelty of medical devices would not be within the required range. Instead, they would compare the requirements for "dynamic line planning" and "privacy". Good dynamic line planning could reduce movement and waiting time and improve satisfaction. Respect for privacy in medical institutions can reduce the embarrassment and discomfort felt by women, which is also a factor to be considered in future planning. Respondents' choice of health services in the future was based on three factors: distance from home, public praise and past experience. Conclusion Now medical institutions in pursuit of sustainable management, self-paid health examination has become a positive development of various hospitals. However, health examination at their own expense in the fierce competition in the market, how to gain a foothold, first get to know the customer's demand, in addition to the regional factors, hospitals is to have good dynamic line and the protection of privacy, can provide to participate in health examination of people a good impression and experience, and as the reference of the next national health inspection service.


User Experience Health Examinations


一、 英文文獻
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