  • 學位論文


A Study Of The Mobile Users’ Switching Behavior-After The Mobile Number Portability Service Open

指導教授 : 朱文禎




The using rate of cell phone in Taiwan reaches 93.05% at the end of March, 2005. This shows that the market of cell phone almost saturates. The authority has also carried out the service of mobile number portability in the middle of October, 2005 in Taiwan. Because the service would lower the prime cost of transferring for users, there will be more transferring users in cell phone service market. However, domestic cell phone market lacks relative researches of switching users’ characteristics currently. The purpose of the study is to investigate the features and switching behavior for all kinds of cell phone users after the mobile number portability service open. Using demographic and geographically data and behavior, this study takes the neural networks tool of data mining and combines K-mean to do mobile users’ market segmentation. The results show that the mobile user can be divided into high satisfaction- social tendency, high satisfaction- stable use, low satisfaction- situational tendency, and low satisfaction- subjective use groups by SOM+K-mean. The characters are low switch experience- low switch will, high switch experience- low switch will, high switch experience- high switch will, and low switch experience- high switch will. Low switch will users have high satisfaction and high switch will users have low satisfaction. The study also shows that the mobile number portability service increases customers' switch will. Finally, we provide mobile service providers as well as users with some implications.


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