  • 學位論文


The Commodification and Cultural Representation in Tourism Uses of Beijing Courtyard Houses

指導教授 : 古明君


本研究以北京四合院旅館為主要研究對象,討論中國歷史建築的旅遊商品化與文化再現之現象,試圖回答中國在改革開放以來,國家、社會、市場三個層面想像、再現出何種不同的北京四合院樣貌。本研究赴北京展開田野調查,訪談北京市旅遊部門,以及八家北京四合院旅館,另以打工換宿的方式進行參與觀察,輔以文獻的蒐集與分析,梳理北京四合院的歷史脈絡與發展。 本研究發現:第一,社會再現的北京四合院皆圍繞著價值論述,社會行動者關注歷史建築不同的價值並具有文化霸權;第二,國家對北京四合院再現的實踐,將其推往觀光旅遊的舞台,並且請走主人(北京人)、迎進貴客(觀光客),以符合國家對歷史建築的想像;第三,由於北京城市的再結構,使得北京四合院旅館呈現零散分布的地理位置、與小資本的經營性質,經營者運用裝潢與景緻、制度與服務之策略突破再現的限制,營造所欲傳達的老北京氛圍,販賣真實、歸屬感、與時空感三者之體驗內涵。


Taking Beijing courtyard hotels for the study, this research discusses the phenomenon of commodification and cultural representation in tourism uses of historic buildings in China and aims to answer how Beijing courtyard houses show distinguishing characteristics of the state, market, and society after the Reform and Opening Up Eras. This research adopts interviews with Beijing tourism departments and eight Beijing courtyard hotels along with participant observations by working in exchange for free accommodation. Then, we review the historical context and development of Beijing courtyard houses by collecting and analyzing of the data. The results of this study are as follows: (1) Societal representations of Beijing courtyard houses around value discourses. Social actors focus on different values as regards historic buildings under the operation of cultural hegemony. (2) The practices of national representations on the Beijing courtyard houses pushed them to a stage of tourism in order to meet the national imagination about historic buildings. (3) Due to urban reconstruction of Beijing, Beijing courtyard hotels’ locations are scattered around the inner city and business characteristics are small capital. Hotels’ managers use interior decorations, sceneries around the houses, regulations, and services to break through the restrictions of representation and build an old style Beijing atmosphere via the following characteristics: authenticity, belonging-ness, and in space and time.


古明君(2008)文物之用?:中國文物體制的形構與轉變。台灣社會學 16:149-192。
