  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan Junior High Students’ Language Proficiency, Use, and Attitude: Mandarin Chinese, Indigenous Languages, and English

指導教授 : 曹逢甫 連金發


本文旨在探討台灣國中生的語言能力、語言使用、語言態度以及對於國小本土語言教學的觀點。本研究採取收集學生問卷的量化分析方式佐以學生家長深入訪談的質化方式來探究國中生的語言情形、語言傳承與家庭語言使用的狀況。有效問卷共蒐集63,812份,參與者分為閩南、客家、原住民、外省與新住民子女共五個族群;研究地區劃分為北、中、南、東與離島地區,再以統計軟體SPSS進行量化分析。此外,56位台灣家長及8位新住民家長的訪談將有助於我們對於母語傳承、家庭語言使用情形與本土語言教學等相關議題的分析與探討。 研究結果顯示,85.9%的國中生習得華語為第一語言(單語或雙語習得),而只有42.4%的人有機會習得本土語言為第一語言。女性在族語及英語能力都比男性來的高。整體看來,閩南族群的族語能力最好,客家族群次之,原住民族語能力則為三大本土語族中最差的。居住在北部地區的人,英語能力最好但是族語能力最差;東部地區的學生無論英語或族語能力都是所有地區中最差的;南部地區的學生則擁有最好的族語表現,其英語能力也有相當水準。 族語使用情形方面顯示,客家語言處於相當危急的情形。無論在任何場域,客家族群的學生都甚少使用客語,其語言使用情形為三大本土語族裡最低的,即使是跟父母、祖父母或是在家庭場域裡,客語幾乎都不被使用,客語使用的比例甚至低於原住民語的使用,客語活力面臨相當嚴峻的考驗,而閩南語使用的比例則是三類族語中最高的。然而整體來看,學生使用族語的比例仍然遠低於華語的使用。華語普遍上在任何層面都擁有最高的評價,但是學生對於保存與學習本土語言仍保有相當正面的態度。特別是原住民學生在族語方面展現了相當高的語言意識與認同。總的來看,學生在上完國小本土語言課程後,其本土語言能力都有不同程度的進步。最後,研究結果顯示,獨立變數如第一語言、年級、性別、居住地區、客家地區/原住民地區與否、族群差異等對於學生的語言能力與語言態度都產生不同程度的顯著性影響。 新住民子女普遍來說都不具有流利的東南亞語言能力,他們於家庭場域甚少與新住民母親使用新住民語言,而本土語言也不常使用,華語可說是家庭場域裡唯一的優勢語言。最後,家長訪談的部分顯示,無論台灣家長或新住民家長對於本土語言教學都表示支持。然而北部及中北部地區的台灣家長於家庭場域裡幾乎不使用本土語言(台語),即便身處閩南社區,台語的使用比例仍舊不高。居住在中部、南部及東部的台灣家長大多使用一半華語、一半台語與小孩交談。而新住民父母大多使用華語和小孩交談,本土語言較少被使用,東南亞語言更是少。基本上,新移民家庭的繼承語(東南亞語)傳承並未被落實。


The study aims to investigate junior high school students’ language proficiency, use, attitude, and viewpoints of an indigenous language teaching program in Taiwan. In the study, both surveys of the junior high students and interviews with the parents were used for quantitative and qualitative analysis of the language situation of the students and the situation of language inheritance and language use at home. A total of 63,812 valid questionnaires were collected and 56 Taiwanese parents and 8 new immigrant parents were interviewed. The results reveal that 85.9% of the students have the chance to acquire Mandarin as the first language but only 42.4% has the opportunity to acquire the indigenous languages. Generally female students’ ability in ethnic languages and English is better than male students and students’ ethnic language proficiency is higher than English. Overall, Southern Min students’ ethnic language proficiency was the highest, followed by Hakka students and aboriginal students the last. Those living in northern Taiwan have the best English ability but the worst ability in the ethnic language. Eastern students’ proficiency in both indigenous languages and English is the lowest. However, Southern students have the best ability in the indigenous language, and they also maintain good proficiency in English generally. The result of the ethnic language use shows that there is a very dangerous situation on the use of Hakka. Hakka students use the least ethnic language in every domain, which is even less than the aboriginal students. However, Southern Min use the ethnic language the most. Overall, the use of the indigenous languages is still much lower than the use of Mandarin. In general, Mandarin has the highest evaluation among all languages. However, students hold positive attitudes toward preserving and learning ethnic languages. Especially for aboriginal students, they have a very strong language awareness and identity toward their own languages. Besides, students also feel that they have made progress from the indigenous language teaching program. Lastly, to some extent, the first language, grade, gender, residential area, the sub-area (Hakka area and aboriginal area), the ethnic group are found to be related to language proficiency and language attitude of the junior high students. Children of the new immigrants, on the whole, do not speak fluent Southeast Asian languages. They seldom use the new immigrant languages at home with their new immigrant mother. The indigenous languages are used less too. Mandarin is the only dominant language at the family domain. However, many new immigrant children are willing to learn and maintain their Southeast Asian languages. Finally, both Taiwanese parents and parents from Southeast Asia agree with the indigenous language teaching program. However, Taiwanese parents in the northern or north-central areas seldom speak the ethnic language. Those who live in the central, southern, and eastern Taiwan use half Mandarin and half Southern Min with children at home. New immigrant parents use Mandarin as the dominant language at home; however, indigenous languages and Southeast Asian languages are seldom used at home. The intergenerational transmission of the Southeast Asian languages rarely happens among new immigrant families.


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