  • 學位論文


Studies on the Behavior and Structure of Water Cluster and Ion System by Molecular dynamics simulation

指導教授 : 張榮語


以往分子動力模擬對於有帶電粒子系統較不易處理,主要是因為靜電力的收斂緩慢,若強制使用截斷半徑則會對力的計算上產生相當大的誤差。所幸藉由Ewald sum來處理靜電力,可得到合理的計算結果。但是Ewald sum方程式複雜,因此須先得到正確的作用力處理式才能夠運用於分子動力模擬中。 本研究可分為三個部份: I.首先推導出Ewald sum以得到正確的計算式,接著驗證Ewald sum程式 化過程無誤。 II.將成功得到的計算式運用於分子動力模擬-建立純水系統。 III.最後建立鹽類水溶液。 研究最後探討各種離子對與不同的濃度對於水分子間氫鍵的影響,結果發現離子對於水分子間氫鍵的破壞與離子的水合能力是成正比關係。


Because of the slow convergence of static electricity, a molecular dynamic simulated system for charged particles is difficult to handle. If we force to use the truncation radius, the calculation of forces will generate considerable errors. However, by using Ewald sum which deals with static electricity, we are entitled to get reasonable results. But, Ewald sum formula is too complex to use. The force should be gotten first, so the correct address type can be applied in molecular dynamic simulation. The research can be divided into three parts: I. Get the right formula by derived Ewald sum, then verify if the Ewald sum program process is correct or not. II. Apply the formula into molecular dynamics simulation - the established water system. III. Establish salt solution. Finally, the research is discussing about the effect of hydrogen bonds between water molecules and ions in different concentrations. The result shows that the destruction of hydrogen bonds between water molecules and ions is proportional to hydration.


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