  • 學位論文


Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of the Sn-O Based Nanostructures

指導教授 : 陳力俊


Abstract Tin oxides possess unique properties and broad applications. Synthesis, properties and applications of Sn-O based nanostructures have been investigated. The thesis covers synthesis of Sn-O based nanostructures and its potential applications: (1) Direct Conversion of Single-Layer SnO Nanoplates to Multi-Layer SnO2 Nanoplates with Enhanced Ethanol Sensing Properties: The SnO nanoplates were synthesized by thermal evaporation and condensation method. The single-layer SnO nanplates were converted to single-layer or multi-layer rutile SnO2 nanoplates by annealing in different oxygen-flowing. The sensitivities (Sg) of multi-layer SnO2 nanoplates are higher than the single-layer ones. (2) Sunflower-like Nanostructures Composed of SiOx Nanorods with Spotty SnO2 Nanoparticles Exhibiting Enhanced Luminescence Properties: SiOX nanorods have been synthesized via a vapor phase transport method and the size of absorbed SnO2 nanoclusters is controlled by varying the flow of O2. The luminescence properties of the SiOX nanorods are varying with absorbed SnO2 nanoclusters. (3) Room-temperature Synthesis of P-type SnO Plates and Application in Light Emitting Diode: The p-type SnO plates were produced by an aqueous chemical growth method. The SnO paste was deposited onto the ITO substrate by the doctor-blade method. The n-type TPBi were spun on the SnO paste. The turn-on voltage and electroluminescence properties of the LEDs were investigated.


氧化錫 奈米結構


摘要 因為氧化錫的獨特性質及廣泛的應用,本論文探討氧化錫的合成、性質及應用。利用化學氣相反應及水溶液法,成功合成出氧化亞錫奈米片狀物及氧化矽/氧化錫的奈米結構,本論文分成三個部分: (1)將氧化亞錫奈米片轉換成氧化錫並增強氣體偵測效果:透過化學氣相反應法,成長出氧化亞錫奈米片,透過退火可轉成單層或多層的氧化錫的片狀物,多層片狀物的氣體偵測較單層片狀物敏銳。 (2) 氧化矽奈米棒/氧化錫奈米粒子複合結構及其發光特性: 透過化學氣相反應法,及調變氧的流量,可控制氧化錫奈米粒子的大小,進一步改變發光強度。 (3) 氧化錫片狀物與n-型高分子組成的有機無機異質結構發光二極體:在室溫下以水溶液法合成p型半導體氧化亞錫片狀物,透過刮塗法將氧化亞錫塗在ITO上,在旋塗一層n型高分子TPBi,作成有機無機異質結構發光二極體,並量測到起始電壓及發光性質。




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