  • 學位論文


Effect of Low-Pass Image Filtering to the Stochastic Resonance Phenomenon in Human Visual System

指導教授 : 鐘太郎


關於人眼視覺方面的文獻探討在最近已有越來越多的趨勢,而連帶的也越來越多影像處理的討論以此為研究基礎。藉由知覺心理學方面的實驗,學者們確信人眼視覺中的效應和視覺影像的品質是息息相關的,因此探討人眼視覺中關於雜訊影像所引發的效應成為了一個重要的議題。 近年來一個針對雜訊方面的訊號處理的方式漸漸受到注意,那便是隨機共振。這個訊號處理演算法的概念在於,加了雜訊的訊號反而比沒加上雜訊的訊號更為容易被辨識出原訊號。而這樣的現象在生理訊號處理以及影像相關領域中已有不少相關的探討。此外人眼視覺的隨機共振效應也經由相關的知覺心理學實驗得到證實,並且衍生相關的研究。 對於影像去雜訊以及壓縮相關技術而言,低通影像處理占了非常重要的地位。甚至一些影像品質評估的演算法也是基於此開發而成的。加了雜訊後的影像經過低通影像處理後所產生的動態影像,經過人眼視覺測試後其隨機共振的效應會有甚麼樣的變化是本論文主要探討課題,文中將會藉由使用和客觀的靜態影像品質分析的對照做一個分析討論。


Recently, research about human visual perception has increased noticeably and it serves as the basis for the study of image processing. Scholars believe that the behavior in human visual perception is highly pertinent to perceptual image quality, therefore influence on visual perception resulted in by distorted, noisy image is a crucial issue. One method applying the called “Stochastic Resonance” to noised signal processing has attracted increasing attention in recent years. The concept of stochastic resonance is that noised signal will be easier to recognize than the one without noise under appropriate noise and threshold level. There are plenty of researches about effect of stochastic resonance in biological signal processing and image processing fields. Furthermore, the effect of stochastic resonance in human visual perception was verified by related psychophysical experiments and pertinent researches were revealed. Low-pass filtering of images plays an important role in the techniques of image denoising and image compression; even some image quality evaluating measures were developed based on it. In this thesis, stochastic resonance phenomenon in human visual perception is investigated, especially, the effect of low-pass filtering on the stochastic resonance. Here a comparison between static image quality assessment and subjective human visual image quality evaluation of dynamical video, which is composed of low-pass filtered image, will be considered as an analytic vehicle to discuss the influence of low-pass filtering to the effect of stochastic resonance in human vision system.


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