  • 學位論文


Two Characterizations of Real Holomorphic Chains and Applications in the study of Algebraic Cycles

指導教授 : 鄭志豪




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We study some fundamental properties of real rectifiable currents and give a generalization of King’s theorem and a real version of Harvey and Shiffman’s theorem in characterizing currents defined by holomorphic chains with real coefficients. The proof of the first case uses Siu’s semicontinuity theorem and we adopt the strategy of Alexander to prove the second case. These conclusions are applied to get some applications in complex geometry containing a sufficient condition for the Hodge conjecture and generalizations of some results of Harvey and Shiffman.


holomorphic chains algebraic cycles


[1] H. Alexander, Polynomial approximation and hulls in sets of finite linear measure in C^n, Amer. J. Math. 93 (1971), 65-74.
[2] H. Alexander, Holomorphic chains and the support hypothesis conjecture, JAMS, 10, No. 1(1997), 123-138.
[3] J. P. Demailly, Complex analytic and differential geometry, lecture notes on the webpage of the author.
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