  • 學位論文


Regulating by Numbers: The Potential Power of Indicators to Function as a Soft Law for Facilitating WTO Services Trade Governance

指導教授 : 彭心儀


WTO目前正在各方面受到挑戰,其多邊貿易談判遭遇許多難解問題,國際政治之角力亦使得整體談判之進展停滯不前。在此情況下,學界及實務界皆轉而提倡WTO應利用軟法機制,以尋思可繼續使WTO推進國際經貿之解方與突破。 在各項軟法機制中,本論文擇選指數(indicators)作為一種軟法工具之應用,對於WTO之可參考之處,以及指數或可對前述WTO目前所遇之難題可有助益之處,並聚焦於WTO在服務貿易上目前所運行中的服務貿易限制性資料庫及指數。 本論文先盤點WTO所遇之難題,接著建立國際管制領域中對指數此一工具之理論基礎與應用,在探討指數之各種正面之可能性、可運用性,及可能之負面影響及技術上之難題後,將前述之發現應用於分析WTO目前所進行之服務貿易限制性指數,並提出相關之觀察與建議。


The WTO is encountering obstacles to further new multilateral trade talks on various issues, and proposals are being raised that it is time for the WTO to shift back to a soft law approach in facilitating any possibilities to continuing the organization’s work on trade liberalization. Among all the possible soft law approaches as alternatives for the WTO to refer to, this thesis aims at exploring possibilities for WTO to refer to indicators, this new form of governing technologies, to address WTO’s current issues, with the special focus on the updated WTO services trade restrictiveness database and index. As a useful tool that is gradually gaining popularity in various international regulatory fields, indicators has many functions, such as standard-setting, compliance evaluating, forming consensus on abstract concepts and settling normative standards, can serve as facilitators for WTO to move forward on accumulating more momentum for the multilateral negotiation in the future. With the implications stemming from exploring how previous application of indicators in other issue areas, with cautious about the potential deficits of the application of indicators, and especially the use of ranking, the WTO should utilize indicators more to help in finding and presenting the balance between the pursuit of services trade liberalization and other development-related domestic policy goals.


1. Cassese, S. (Ed.). (2016). Research Handbook on Global Administrative Law. Edward Elgar Publishing.
2. Davis, K. E., Kingsbury, B., & Merry, S. (2015). The Quiet Power of Indicators: Measuring Governance, Corruption, and Rule of Law. Cambridge University Press.
3. Davis, K., Fisher, A., Kingsbury, B., & Merry, S. E. (Eds.). (2012). Governance by Indicators: Global Power through Classification and Rankings. Oxford University Press.
