  • 學位論文


Ergonomics mattress topper evaluation for determining an optimal firmness and thickness combination

指導教授 : 王茂駿


寢具的選擇與睡眠品質有直接的關係,並且在一床組中,於床上再放置床墊使用以提升舒適性是近年常見的趨勢,因此對於床墊舒適性的研究益發重要。 本研究共招集40位健康男性受試者,針對硬、中、軟三種材質軟硬度及3、5、7、10公分四種厚度組合之床墊進行人因評估,透過蒐集人體平躺於不同床墊時之全身壓力分佈、全身溫度分佈、肌肉活動度、微氣候溫濕度、脊椎角度等各式生理訊號,搭配主觀問卷之分析,以得到最佳之軟硬度與厚度配置組合。 研究結果顯示在軟硬度方面,硬床墊之全身壓力分佈在各部位皆較軟床墊為高,全身溫度分佈則普遍以中床墊溫度為高,且與躺臥時間成正比。微氣候溫度以中及軟床墊為高,也與時間成正比,但濕度則與時間成反比。肌肉活動度(EMG)以軟床墊在斜方肌、硬床墊在股二頭肌可使EMG最低。脊椎斜率有顯著差異的則為胸椎之T1-T4、T4-T6與T6-T8三區段,以硬床墊之斜率最小而能使脊椎最為平直。厚度方面,與各部位壓力值的關係並無明顯的規律,但溫度分佈則是厚床墊之溫度較薄床墊高,微氣候濕度則以5公分之床墊較低,EMG以10公分的床墊在股二頭肌、5及7公分在腓腸肌為最低,脊椎斜率則以3公分床墊在T12-L1及L1-L4之斜率最小。主觀問卷結果方面,受試者主觀感受為硬床墊最硬而軟床墊最軟、支撐性以硬床墊最佳而軟床墊最差,服貼性則是軟床墊最佳而硬床墊最差。最後,在本研究所選用之12張床墊中,綜合各項目之整體結果做一比較與排序,發現以3或7公分的軟床墊與3公分的中床墊在各指標皆有不錯的表現,為整體而言最佳之軟硬度x厚度配置組合。 本研究之結果將提供業界各種配置組合床墊實際使用時之各項生理數據,並針對各部位之需要提供未來床墊設計之參考,以利後續人因床墊之設計與發展。


The selection of a bedding system has direct relationship with sleeping quality. Putting a mattress topper on bed in use is also a common practice to increase sleeping comfort. Thus, the ergonomic study of a mattress topper is an important issue. Forty healthy male subjects were recruited in this study. The experiment involves a combination of 3 different firmness (firm, medium, soft) and 4 thickness (3, 5, 7, 10 cm) levels. For each subject, pressure distribution, temperature distribution, microclimate, electromyography, spinal posture, accompany with subjective ratings were collected to determine the optimal firmness and thickness mattress topper combination. The results showed that the firm mattress toppers had higher pressure in every position. The medium ones also had higher temperatures and it had an increasing trend with time. The microclimate temperature was higher on medium and soft toppers, and it was also proportional to time. But the microclimate humidity was inversely proportional to time. The electromyography of trapezius was lower on soft ones, and the EMG of biceps femoris was lower on firm ones. The slope of spine was lowest on firm ones at T1-T4, T4-T6 and T6-T8. The thick mattress toppers had higher temperatures. The humidity was the lowest at 5 cm, and the slope of spine was smallest at 3 cm. Subjective ratings revealed that the firm mattress toppers were perceived as the firmest and most supportive, while the soft ones had the greatest conformity. Finally, among all 12 combinations, 3 or 7 cm soft and 3 cm medium mattress toppers showed better performance in most physiological indexes, and was considered as the preferred combinations.


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