  • 學位論文


Foreign Investment Restrictions in Communications Market:An Analysis of Deregulation

指導教授 : 彭心儀


外資通常可帶入豐沛資金與先進技術,對於地主國之經濟通常有正面影響。但在特殊產業如通訊及傳播產業,因憂慮外來強勢文化的侵襲、頻譜稀有性、保護本土文化與多樣性、避免壟斷與價格歧視等考量下,多數國家皆限制外資比例。我國亦不例外。加入WTO與期許台灣成為亞太多媒體中心下,我國逐步提高外資比例。隨著科技演進與商業之複雜化,外資借由設立多層子公司可輕易掌握經營權,而業者為了創新亦需資金挹注,惟電信法與廣電三法之間對於外國人投資之不一致,皆成為我國管制之難題。 適逢2013年TBC變更海外股東架構案,不但引起各界討論,隨著ECFA的簽訂,更牽動我國對於陸資入侵之疑懼,而中華電信發行海外憑證一案,則有圖利財團及賤賣國產之質疑,顯現當前之管制架構無法妥善處理外資議題,另在中華電信MOD全區經營案,更顯示外資管制儼然成為業者創新服務之掣肘。因此本文選擇未有外資管制之英國、德國作為去結構管制之參考,觀察其管制歷史、目的與行為管制手段,以資我國借鏡,另介紹美國、新加坡、加拿大及南韓放寬外資趨勢與理由,佐證全球解除管制之趨勢,尤其未來數位匯流的浪潮下,更應調整通訊傳播產業之外資政策,並轉以行為管制為中心,以達促進有效競爭、活絡相關市場之目的,進而達成政府、業者與消費者三贏之局面。


Since the features of telecommunication and broadcasting industry, most countries restrict foreign investments or ownership. The reasons include national security, protecting local culture, public interests, price, spectrum scarcity, and pluralism. Taiwan is no exception. However, Taiwan did not have strong reasons to restrict it, and foreign capital such as private fund is easy to find a loophole in law, therefore, it is not easy to regulate foreign investor in communication market. This paper examines other countries’ regulating history and experience; we found that structural regulation is not the unique solution. For example, UK and German has no restrictions on foreign ownership but apply behavior regulation to promote competition and speed up the development of communication industry which is worth learning. Besides, America, Singapore, South Korea and Canada also loosen restrictions of foreign ownership of communications industry, which all shows the trend of deregulation. Furthermore, in the future of digital convergence, it is necessary to remove structural regulation and change into behavior regulation. Therefore, we conclude that Taiwan should get rid of structural regulation, and use behavior regulation in order to bringing positive effects by stimulating Taiwan’s communications and broadcasting market.


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