  • 學位論文


The Development and Spatial Characteristic of Traditional Garden in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林會承


摘要 本論文主要以台灣的清代傳統園林為探討對象,作全面基礎性的相關資料蒐集及整理。時間以台灣開發史的過程為主軸,就明清時代各階段的政治經濟、社會生活為背景,分為荷治明鄭時期、清領初期、清中葉以後、以及清末時期等,針對台灣早期傳統園林的發展修建的歷史沿革及規模佈局,逐一詳細的說明,並探討可能影響築園的各種因素,如興建的園主生平事蹟、性格及相關事件等,進而將各時期發展的園林作重點的分析,並分類比較,試圖歸納出台灣傳統園林的空間特性。 本論文之內容分述如下: 第一章緒論:主要論述本研究的動機及目的、相關文獻回顧、範圍及方法,並敘述相關的發展概況。 第二章台灣早期傳統園林的歷史發展:主要論述台灣墾拓初期的社會生活及築園活動,分別以荷治明鄭時期及清領初期,敘述各園的發展情況。此時期以官方衙署庭園為主,而私人宅園則正開始與起。 第三章台灣私家園林的歷史發展:主要論述清中葉以後及清末時期,台灣的社會生活及築園活動,分別以台灣北中南地區,敘述各園的發展情況。此時期多為私家宅園。 第四章台灣傳統園林的類型與特性:主要論述台灣各時期的發展特性,以人文及自然因素探討園林的類型,並以園林的構成要素,就台灣傳統園林特殊的地方,作重點式的分類比較。


Summary: This essay is mainly focus on Traditional Carden in Ching Dynasty, which is base on all the related data research, collection, and organization. The period of Taiwan development process is strongly emphasized in this essay, the background of this period is about the life politic economic in Ching 、 Ming Dynasty . It divided by four important period of time Ming-Zheng、Early of Ching、Middle of Ching and Latter of Ching. This search is about the traditional garden repair historical records, size, decorations and all passable factor may effect the garden style which will be detailing explain in the following article. For example the personalty and life story about the garden owner or all the issues which may related to the period of the garden development or will be emphasize and catalog in order to do the comparison of the specially characters of the Traditional Garden. The content of the the the following issues: Chapter I:Prelude, mainly discuss the study intention, goals and methods of the research. The review of related studies and historical texes. Chapter II:The development of the Traditional Garden in early Taiwan: This chapter mainly focus on the life style and the amount of garden during the period of early Taiwan. It divided by two important period of tme Ming-Zheng、Early of Ching. In this period almost the garden were made by official but some private garden are to begin. Chapter III:The historical records of the Private Garden in Taiwan: This chapter mainly focus on the life style and the amount of garden during the period of Middle of Ching and Latter of Ching . It divided Taiwn into three zones which is North Taiwan、Middle Taiwan and South Taiwan. In this period almost the garden are Private Garden. Chapter IV:The Specially Characters and Style of the Traditional Garden in Taiwan:This chapter mainly focus on the characters in developing Taiwan. It discuss how the cultural and environment to effect it and catalog in order to do the comparison of the specially characters of the Traditional Garden.




呂宗翰(2008)。中國園林藝術之內涵探討與設計應用─以 林家花園為例〔碩士論文,大同大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0081-0607200917243494
