  • 學位論文

概念構圖與合作學習應用於綜合高中會計科目 教學成效之研究

Applying Concept Mapping and Cooperative Learning to The Teaching Effectiveness of Accounting in Comprehensive High School

指導教授 : 簡俱揚


摘 要 在許多不同的學術領域中,概念的學習與獲得常被視為引領科學性思考和產生知識的最基本元素。概念構圖是協助與提高思考和學習方式中的一種工具,在許多幫助學生統整並理解知識的學習策略中,概念構圖是其中常見的一種。在國外,概念構圖教學法也常被運用在不同學科的教學上,而學習成效相當良好。因此本研究主要目的是在探討概念構圖教學及合作學習應用於綜合高中資訊應用學程「會計科目」之教學研究,探討不同教學法與不同學習法對會計學習成效、概念構圖學習態度及班級氣氛之影響;以及會計學習成效、概念構圖學習態度及班級氣氛三者間之相關程度。 本研究樣本取自苗栗地區某私立綜合高中資訊應用學程二年級兩個班級共89位學生為實驗對象,擇一班為實驗班,採概念構圖教學法與合作學習法進行實驗教學;另一班為控制班,則維持一般傳統式的直接教學法,兩班同時進行十二週的實驗教學。 本研究採不等組前後測實驗設計模式,為一準實驗研究。其控制變項為「學生」、「教材」、「教師」;自變項包括「教學方法」及「學習方法」;依變項包括「會計學習成效」、「概念構圖學習態度」、「班級氣氛」。使用之研究工具包括:1.會計學習成效測驗、2.概念構圖學習態度量表、3.班級氣氛量表。研究資料以獨立樣本 t考驗、成 對樣本 t考驗、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等統計方法進行考驗。 主要研究結果如下: (一) 不同教學法實驗在會計學習成效之影響。實驗組(含個別學習與合作學習)與控制組的平均差異達顯著水準。表示經實施概念構圖教學法之後,實驗班的會計學習成效較控制班傳統式直接教學法學生的會計學習成效有顯著進步。 (二) 在不同的學習方式上,「合作學習」與「個別學習」在會計學習成效上,其平均差異達顯著水準。表示經合作學習法後,學 生的會計學習成效較傳統式個別學習學生的會計學習成效有顯著進步。 (三) 不同教學法實驗在概念構圖學習態度之影響。實驗組與控制組在概念構圖學習態度量表前測的分數上,無明顯之差異;但在後測的量表分數上,有明顯之差異。表示實驗前兩班之學習態度相近,而經實施概念構圖教學之後,學生的學習態度有顯著進步。 (四) 不同教學法實驗在班級氣氛之影響。實驗組與控制組在班級氣氛量表前測的分數上,無明顯之差異;但在後測的量表分數上,有明顯之差異。表示實驗前兩班之班級氣氛相近,而經實施概念構圖教學之後,學生在班級氣氛上有顯著進步。。 (五) 在探討依變項中「會計學習成效」、「概念構圖學習態度」、「班級氣氛」彼此間之相關程度,以迴歸分析「概念構圖學習態度」與「會計學習成效」兩者之間呈高度正相關;「班級氣氛」與「會計學習成效」兩者之間亦呈高度正相關;「概念構圖學習態度」與「班級氣氛」之間也呈高度正相關。表示三者之間均具有正向關係。 最後,依據研究結論與實驗過程中的心得,分別對於教學者及未來研究者提出各項建議,以供其參考。


Summary In many different academic fields, the concept learning and acquisition is often seemed as the most basic element for leading scientific thinking and producing knowledge. The concept mapping is one of tools to assist and promote our thinking and learning methods. And the concept mapping is also one of many common learning strategies to help students to organize and understand knowledge. In foreign, the teaching method of the concept mapping often applies to different teaching courses and its learning effect is very great. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to study how the concept mapping education and the cooperative learning apply to the “accounting title” of the information application study program of the comprehensive senior high school. And, to study how different teaching methods and different learning methods influence the learning effect on accounting, the learning attitude on the concept mapping, and the climate in class, and the correlation among the learning effect on accounting, the learning attitude on the concept mapping, and the climate in class. This research samples from two 2-year classes of the information application study program of a private comprehensive senior high school in Miaoli area, total 89 students, as our subjects. We choose one class as the experiment class, applying to the concept mapping education and the cooperative learning method, and the other class as the control class, maintaining a generally traditional style: the direct instruction method. Both classes carry out twelve-week experimental education simultaneously. This research uses the unequal class mode with pre-test and post-test experiment design, which is a quasi-experiment research. Its control variables are “the student”, “the teaching material” and “the teacher”, its independent variables include “the teaching method” and “the learning method”, its dependent variables include “the learning effect on accounting”, “the learning attitude on the concept mapping”, and “the climate in class”. Our research tools include 1. The learning performance test on accounting, 2. The ratting scale for the learning attitude on the concept mapping, 3. The ratting scale for the climate in class. For the research information, we use such statistical methods as Independent Samples T Test, Paired Samples T Test, Single Factor ANOVA and Regression Analysis to perform our test. The main research result is as below: (1) How the experiment with different teaching methods influences the learning effect on accounting. The average difference between the experiment group (including individual learning and cooperative learning) and the control group reaches the outstanding level. It shows that after using the teaching method of the concept mapping, the learning effect of the experiment group is more progressive than that of the control group, which using the traditional or direct teaching method. (2) In different learning methods, the average difference on the learning effect on accounting between “the cooperative learning” and “the individual learning” reaches the outstanding level. It shows that after using the cooperative learning method, the learning effect of students on accounting is more progressive than that of those students, who use the traditional-style individual learning method. (3) How the experiment with different teaching methods influences the learning attitude on the concept mapping. There is no obvious difference on the pre-test scale scores for the learning attitude on the concept mapping between the experiment group and the control group. However, there is very obvious difference on the post-test scale scores between two groups. It shows that the learning attitude of two groups is similar before experiment but the learning attitude of those students, who apply to the concept mapping education, is obviously progressive. (4) How the experiment with different teaching methods influences the climate in class. There is no obvious difference on the pre-test scale scores for the climate in class between the experiment group and the control group. However, there is very obvious difference on the post-test scale scores between two groups. It shows that the climate of two groups is similar before experiment but the climate of the class, which applies to the concept mapping education, is obviously progressive. (5) When we study the correlation among such dependent variables as “ the learning effect on accounting”, “the learning attitude on the concept mapping” and “the climate in class”, we make use of the regression analysis. We find that it shows highly positive correlation between “the learning attitude on the concept mapping” and “the learning effect on accounting”. In addition, it also shows highly positive correlation between “the climate in class” and “the learning attitude on accounting” and highly positive correlation between “the learning attitude on the concept mapping” and the climate in class”. It represents that it is positive correlation among such three items. Finally, according to the research conclusion and what we learned during the experiment, we provide some suggestions to the teacher and the future researcher for reference.




