  • 學位論文


The new product performance impact of the intensity of customer interaction and Customer knowledge management competence-based on the software industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝龍發


近來的企業的管理焦點已漸漸遠離產品製造及工廠的管理,取而代之的是對於顧客的重視。越來越多的公司將顧客視為共同發展新產品的夥伴,因此掌握好顧客知識對於公司營運扮演著相當重要的角色,管理好顧客知識顯然是一項非常重要的課題。顧客知識可以提供相當多的潛在利益,然而是否這些潛在利益都能轉換成較佳的績效?除此之外,企業在面對競爭高度競爭的環境時,僅憑藉著顧客有限的知識與使用經驗,企業很可能只能對現有產品作小幅度的修改,而忽略了產品的創新性,長期之下可能會削減企業的競爭力。 為了回答這些問題,本研究以顧客知識管理及資源基礎論為基礎,將研究焦點放在:(1)企業在新產品發展階段與顧客互動強度對新產品績效所造成的影響;(2)企業在新產品發展階段之顧客知識管理能力對新產品績效所造成的影響;(3)企業觀點之產品創新性對新產品績效的影響。基於這樣的目的,本研究以持續進行新產品開發且重視顧客知識的台灣資訊軟體產業為研究對象,以問卷調查的方式進行資料蒐集,共寄發302份電子問卷,有效回收問卷135份,並經由相關分析與LISREL Model驗證假設的支持程度。研究的主要發現為: (一) 台灣資訊軟體廠商之新產品發展與顧客互動強度對新產品績效有正向的影響。而在新產品發展的不同階段中,僅有「原型測試階段」與顧客互動對新產品績效影響不顯著。早期發展階段中,「市場需求分析與創意產生階段」較「系統需求分析階段」與顧客互動強度對新產品績效的影響更顯著,顯示顧客資訊在較早期的產品概念發展階段,將更具價值。 (二) 台灣資訊軟體廠商在新產品發展時之顧客知識管理能力對新產品績效有正向的影響。不同階段的比較下,僅有「市場需求與創意產生階段」之組織環境對於顧客知識管理的支援能力對新產品績效的影響不顯著。不過整體而言,仍然說明了顧客知識管理對於企業競爭的重要性,企業應該設法利用各種途徑獲取顧客知識,並在公司內部形成一良好的顧客知識管理機制,以提升競爭力。 (三) 將公司觀點的產品創新性分為對外部環境熟悉度與內部資源配適度兩方面來檢視。結果發現台灣資訊軟體廠商之市場熟悉度對於新產品績效無顯著的正向影響,而技術熟悉度、行銷配適度與技術配適度對新產品績效皆呈現顯著影響。總括來說,本研究的結果顯示出國內資訊軟體廠商在技術的掌握與熟悉上對新產品績效的影響大於市場熟悉的影響。


Recently, many companies are involving customers in their entire NPD process. As managers believe the knowledge, market information, and additional resources provided by customers in NPD all represent potential sources of competitive advantage. But a remaining question is to whether this potential gets translated successfully into superior performance results? Besides, if companies excessively depend on the limited knowledge and experience which are from customers to innovate; they probably only to rectify the exiting products in a small range and gradually lose their competence in the highly competitive environment. To answer the question, this article thinks highly of research assessing the new product performance impact of (1) the intensity of customer interaction in different stages of NPD process, and (2) customer knowledge competence in different stages of the NPD process, and (3) product innovativeness within firm perspectives, which are based on Customer Knowledge Management and Resource-based view. This research conducted preliminary field interviews and a comprehensive theoretical literature review in order to build the conceptual model. Furthermore, this research collected data from the Taiwan software industry which preceded NPD continuously and stressed on customer knowledge. We e-mailed 302 questionnaires and received 135 valid questionnaires. Besides, LISREL Model is utilized as the analytical tool for testing statistical assumptions and estimation of the measurement and structural equation models. After a series of analysis, this research demonstrates three specific insights as blow: 1. The intensity of customer interaction can enhance new product performance. But during the different stages of NPD process, we find customer interaction in the prototype testing stage displays no significant effect of all stages. In the earlier stages of NPD process, customer interaction in idea generation stage has stronger impact of NPD performance than that in conceptual analysis stage. This result shows that customer information has more obvious value in the earlier idea generation stage. 2. A firm’s customer knowledge competence also has a positive impact on new product performance as well. But during the different stages of NPD process, we find only the infrastructure capability in idea generation has no significant impact on NPD performance. In general, this results detailedly interpret how important customer knowledge management emphasis on competition. Moreover, companies should manage to use any kinds of approaches to acquire customer knowledge and form a fine management mechanism of customer knowledge inside to enhance competitive advantages. 3. Product innovativeness within the firm’s perspective is divided into two main parts, which are external environmental familiarity and internal project-firm fit. This results report that only the market familiarity has no significant impact on NPD performance in Taiwan software industry. In contrast to market familiarity, technological familiarity and technological fit have stronger influence on NPD performance.


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谷婉琳(2010)。兩岸電機電子產業國際驗證服務之品牌權益、關係行銷對再購意願影響之研究 ─以新產品績效為干擾變數〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.00933
