  • 學位論文


Biotelemetry Investigation on Environmental Temperature and Diving Effects on the Heart Rate of Turtle

指導教授 : 謝瑞香 嚴震東


烏龜的呼吸、心跳與代謝速率很慢,且可以忍受無氧呼吸的能力很強,為了探討烏龜如此特殊的心跳調控機制,因此本研究希望設計出一套可量測烏龜的心電圖系統,以長期監測其心速率的變化情形。而目前一般市售的量測設備,必須限制動物的活動範圍才能量測,針對此問題,我們研發出一套無線遙測設備,進而探討烏龜在潛水時的心跳調控機制。 本研究之烏龜心電圖無線遙測系統,主要包括心電圖擷取、無線電傳輸、訊號處理及資料分析等部分。系統首先經儀表放大器(INA128)擷取心電圖訊號,然後選用益眾科技的RF數據傳輸模組(A06-0001),將訊號透過無線電發射機傳送,再由接收端接收訊號,並透過生理記錄器(BIOPAC System)載入電腦中作為長期心電圖之記錄。 本遙測系統可以精確記錄烏龜的心電圖,且遙測距離可達8公尺,比市售遙測系統(DSI, Physio Tel Telemetry)更寬廣。我們記錄到烏龜心速率隨著環境溫度下降而降低,烏龜在陸地上溫度為30℃狀態下(有氧呼吸),其心跳速率為35.8±1.3 bpm比18℃時的20.8±1.7 bpm為快;烏龜在水溫36℃下潛水(無氧呼吸),心跳速率為24.4±1.2 bpm,浮出水面呼吸的心跳速率為47.8±1.8 bpm,當水溫下降至20℃時,心跳速率為9.64±1.3 bpm,浮出水面呼吸的心跳速率為18.4±2.7 bpm,由以上結果顯示,當烏龜處在無氧狀態下(潛水時),心跳速率有顯著下降,同時伴隨著水溫下降,心跳速率有逐漸下降情形,而且可忍受無氧呼吸的時間也伴隨增長。


生物遙測 心跳速率 烏龜 心電圖


The respiratory, heartbeat and metabolic rate of turtles are slow. In addition, turtles can tolerate anoxic state for long duration. It is, therefore, very interesting to recode the heart rate control of the turtle in its natural setting. The aim of the current work is to develop a wireless recording equipment to study the heart rate regulating mechanism of freely moving turtles. The proposed system consists of signal acquisition, radio frequency (RF) transmission, signals processing and date analysis components. The electrocardiogram (ECG) is obtained by three silver screws chronically implanted into the body of the turtle. After amplification the ECG signals were transmitted through a RF digital transceiver (model A06-0001), and signals were detected by a receiver. The signals were saved and analyzed. Our wireless ECG device can receive signals from a distance up to 8 m in radius, with the result comparable to a standard equipment (DSI, Physio Tel Telemetry). When temperature changed from 30℃ to 18℃, the heart rates of the turtles decrease from 35.8±1.3 bpm to 20.8±1.7 bpm. The heart rates were 24.4±1.2 bpm and 47.8±1.8 bpm respectively when the turtles submerged and emerged voluntarily at 36℃. The heart rates were 9.64±1.3 bpm and 18.4±2.7 bpm respectively when the turtles were submerged and emerged at 20℃. The heart rates were influenced by temperature and the driving conditions.


heart rate ECG turtle biotelemetry


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