  • 學位論文


Assessment of Product Eco-efficiency with Consideration of Consumer Value

指導教授 : 饒 忻


近年來由於氣候變遷及能源的耗竭,使消費者對於綠色產品的接受度提高,且歐盟法規要求生產者必須以生命週期的思維設計產品,但企業只針對綠色產品的品質提升及技術研發,卻忽略消費者擁有此生態化設計產品所帶來的價值,使得產品不具市場競爭力,此乃本研究之動機。 本研究依據生態效益的概念,將環境衝擊納入消費者價值建構評估模式中,並以筆記型電腦產品進行實例驗證,根據各產品功能表現所帶來的價值,且計算出各產品的總擁有成本,及評估能源消耗、使用禁用物質及不可回收等的環境衝擊後,求得各產品在考慮消費者價值下之生態效益排序,並運用TOPSIS決策方法進行驗證,提供設計者做為產品改良或創新之方向,也可提供消費者在選購產品時的參考。最後,本研究探討消費者需求不同與環境衝擊變化時的價值差異,提供設計者在不同市場之需求分析。


Because of climate changes and energy exhaustion in recent years, the acceptance of the green products by consumers has been raised. Meanwhile, the European Union requires producers to take into account of life-cycle thinking in their product design. However, in the past the enterprises only pursued the quality improvement and technology development of green products, but they ignored the value of consumers in these eco-design products. This ignorance results in weak competition, but gives the motivation of this study. This study is based on the concept of eco-efficiency to develop the assessment model with consideration of environmental impact and consumer value. Several different types of notebook computers are used as examples to illustrate the application of our assessment model. This model simultaneously considers the value of functional performance, the total cost of ownership, and the environmental impact for each product. The environmental impact includes the assessment of energy consumption, pollution and non-recyclability. Then, we obtain the eco-efficiency ordering by considering customer value for each product. In addition, this study uses the TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method to provide a direction of product improvement or innovation for the designer, and a reference of purchasing products for customers. Finally, this research discusses the value variances between different customer requirements and different environmental impact, and these can serve as a reference for requirement analysis to the designer under difference markets.


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