  • 學位論文

主管個人特質、組織文化對員工工作滿意度影響 —以台灣高科技電子產業為例—

The Impacts of Supervisors’ Personal Traits and Organizational Culture on Work Satisfaction:Empirical evidence from the Hi-Tech Electronic Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃子玲


摘要 值此產業快速輪動及競爭激烈的環境中,組織在推行其各項策略時,發現員工的向心力往往是策略成功與否的關鍵,而以往學者研究指出,在評估員工向心力的高低,主要以員工滿意度為導向,而影響員工滿意度最巨的莫過於主管個人特質、組織文化差異等因素。 再則,隨著社會的進步,許多新的方法被運用到人才招募上,而關注的焦點也從學經歷背景轉移到個人人格特質上,亦即人格特質目前在企業界選才時越來越受到重視。在落實組織文化價值的過程當中,主管所扮演的角色相當重要,主管的領導作為對員工的影響越來越大。因此,主管必須傳遞明確的訊息,讓組織內的成員了解。學者研究發現組織文化價值確實有助於企業達成目標及使命,而管理者也會透過本身的行為來敘述某些價值觀。組織本身存有其特有的組織文化,強烈的組織文化可以提高員工向心力、工作動機及為達成目標而接受領導的意願。然而,組織由各種不同人格特質的員工所組成,組織領導者應該花時間認識員工的性格、才華與潛能,才能激發他們的創意,提高其工作滿意度。


Abstract In a rapid moving and keen competitive environment, an organization will find the centripetal force of employees is always the key of the success in the implementation of strategy. The researches by scholars also pointed out that the assessment of centripetal force of employees should be employee satisfaction-oriented while the most important factors that might affect employee’s satisfaction were nothing more than executive’s personality traits and the differences of organizational culture. In addition, with the progress of society, many new methods are applied to the recruiting while the focus of attention is also shifted form education and experience background to personality traits, that is, today’s enterprises, the personality traits have been emphasized more than before in recruiting. In the implementation process of values of organizational culture, the executive plays a critical role and the executive’s leadership has more and more effects on their employees. Therefore, an executive has to send clear messages to make sure members of organization understand. The researches by some scholars found that the values of organizational culture did help the enterprises achieve their goals and missions, and managers would also be able to describe some of the values through their own behaviors. In an organization itself, there is unique organizational culture. The strong organizational culture could enhance employees’ centripetal force, motivation for work and intention to accept leadership for achieving goals. However, because an organization is composed of a variety of employees who have different personality traits that the leaders should spend time to understand the employees’ personality, talents and potentials to stimulate their creativity and enhance their satisfaction with work. This research adopted questionnaire survey with hi-tech industry workers in Hsin Science Park as the subjects and descriptive statistics, factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis as research methods. We found: 1. executive’s personality traits, organizational culture and employee’s satisfaction with their work were significantly positive correlated; 2. the executive’s personality traits have significant and positive effects on organizational culture; 3. the executive personality traits also have significant and positive effects on employees’ satisfaction with their work; 4. the organizational culture has positive effects on the employees’ satisfaction with their work. Keywords: executive’s personality traits, organizational culture, employees’




