  • 學位論文

女性購物網站服務品質研究 -以pay easy 網站為例

The Service Quality of Female Shopping Website ─ A Case of The Pay Easy Website

指導教授 : 皮世明


摘要 近年來女性已漸成為購物網站的消費主流,在以顧客為導向的潮流下,網站經營者紛紛注重女性的需求,藉由問卷調查,利用SERQUAL量表橫量女性顧客對該購物網站的滿意程度。本研究主要目的在探討一個適用於女性購物網站的服務品質衡量模式,計發放了119份問卷,分析了96份有效樣本,運用SPSS作為資料統計分析的工具。首先利用因素分析的方式找出受訪者對網站服務品質的滿意度因素,運用了主成分分析法,萃取出特徵值使模式更適用於女性購物網站的評估,接著驗證信度、效度,並以迴歸分析方法執行檢定。讓網站使用者的實際需求項目,更適切於女性購物網站服務品質精進的方向。最後討論研究限制,並提出未來研究的方向以供後續學者參考。


Abstract The objective of this research is to investigate a means to measure the service quality of female shopping website . By employing a survey questionnaire, this researchestablishes the factors which determine the service quality of shopping website. Key information is then analyzed using statistical techniques.A total of 119 questionnaires were distributed. 96 effective samples are analyzed with SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). The analysis consists of principal component analysis to extract eigenvalues. Reliability and validity are then examined with regression analysis.The result is a recommendation of the needs of web store customers and the improvements they want to enhance the service quality of shopping website. Limitations of this research are also provided to help indicate areas worthy of further study for follow-on researchers.


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