  • 學位論文


Using A Taxonomy of Performance Shaping Factors to Analyze Cases of Medication Errors in Hospitals

指導教授 : 呂志維




Patient safety is more attention in recent year, human would get sick, so medicine have seemed important for patient, furthermore the medicine perfection and completeness relatively would be most important, and then how could we prevent medication errors when health care worker operating what we want to research. This study was going to discussion how was made error from cases of medication error, as a result we will prevent each error which won’t happen again in future, it would let patient feel safety when they are taking medicine, and decrease caused medical conflicts and increase medical quality. My research process have three part. first, according to concept of Marcoergonomics and taxonomy of Performance Shaping Factors(PSF), in order to sort cases of medication errors and write down factor how to occur. Then we found the hospital what is the hospital level and where is the area of Taiwan. Second by PSF method, we could take down and count frequency the detail items of medication error . Third analyzed by statistics and Pareto diagram , to finding out which factor of medication error is easier to occur. According to result the primary error factors are human and task. There are three detail items of task and human, one is "level of detail" which is thirteen times ,another is "format or type" which is six times, the other is "operator diagnosis" which is five times. medication procedure is a complicate and many steps in it. In medication procedure, it was easier to make medication errors by human error, so it must to avoid any chance of error happened as possible as we can. Medication procedure must check precisely, and it would prove and be well in every medication procedure. Therefore, the patients could feel safety when using the medicine and decrease the dispensing error or medical dispute.


Patient safety medication error PSF


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