  • 學位論文


Optimal Production Strategies for Remanufacturing of Computer Accessories

指導教授 : 饒忻


回收率之不確定性是再製造議題中最重要的課題之一,而且其直接影響了企業的獲利;因此,對於再製造要獲得較優之成果,有一個必不可少的先決條件,那就是盡可能精確的制定生產量策略。本研究針對電腦配件再製造流程提出兩種模型:(1)當廢棄品還沒進來時,考量隨機回收率以進行初始佈置、設備和人力資源之設定;和 (2)廢棄品到達後,知道各回收品之數量以進行每個期間的生產計畫。 在這些模型中,考量產品生命週期下之單純再製造和廢棄品之分散來源特性。同時,本研究也提供一個再製造理論性的定義和架構,以提出一個較廣泛的觀點。此外;利用一些例子來闡釋所提出之模式,並利用AIMMS軟體來執行。其中一些參數,如最佳數量、存貨庫存、生產成本、設置成本和庫存成本,是主要影響總利潤之參數,在本研究中被檢驗。相信在再製造過程中使用這些模型,可讓公司的運作更流暢和產生更多的盈利。


One of the foremost difficulties in remanufacturing is the uncertainty of return rate which directly influences the profit-making of companies. Hence, for remanufacturing to acquire huge prosperity, there is an indispensable prerequisite to precisely strategize the production quantity as much as possible. This paper proposes two models throughout the remanufacturing process of computer accessories, which is composed of (1) prior to the arrival of products, a stochastic return rate is used for initially setting up the layout, equipment, and manpower; and (2) after the used products have arrived, the quantity of each used product is known for production plan in each period. In these models, pure remanufacturing and decentralized input setting are applied by considering the product life cycle. Simultaneously, a theoretical definition and framework of remanufacturing are offered to have a more general view in this study. Examples are provided for illustrating the proposed models and are run on the AIMMS software. In addition, some parameters such as optimum quantity, inventory stock, production cost, setup cost, and inventory cost which are the major influencing characteristics to total profit are examined. We believe that using these models in remanufacturing, the operations in companies will be smoother and more profitable.


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