  • 學位論文


Improvement Issues Selection and Risk Analysis in New Product Development - Case studies of Webcam and Industrial Tablet PC

指導教授 : 簡英哲


新產品在研究開發的各階段,需要有查核點,以確保所有客戶要求、可靠度目標及產品規格皆能達成。然而許多新的科技產品並沒有參考案例,以瞭解開發階段的待解決問題對產品及顧客的重要性,作為問題解決優先順序的決策依據。站在公司營運及市場先機的考量之下,需要控制整個新產品的研發時程。然而,在新產品的功能和可靠度尚未能滿足顧客需求時,如為了搶先機而推出上市,通常會造成反效果。不但不能得到市場的市占率,反而會因為產品的不成熟,造成大量客訴及退貨,讓公司企業失去客戶群和信譽。因此產品的設計功能及可靠度驗證就成了一個非常重要的一環。本研究運用故障模式與效應分析法 (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, FMEA) 及風險管理的原理,建立開發風險指標及其評估方法。提供新產品開發團隊在產品開發流程中判斷產品開發是否能進入下一階段及上市的風險評估依據。本研究以網路攝影機(Webcam)及工業用平版電腦(Industrial Tablet PC)兩個實際案例作探討與說明。


In the process of product development project, there are some checkpoints established in between the development phases for assuring the project can be proceed to next phase with no significant risks on satisfying customer requirements, reliability objectives and product specifications. However, the development team may faces a situation for determination on delaying or skipping some development problems which were found at the checkpoint and allowing the project to enter its next development phase in order to keep up with development schedule. The development team should also consider to introduce the new product to market with customer expected functions and reliability level in order to keep company reputation and avoid return cost of failed products due to poor reliability. Therefore, it is very important for product function and reliability verification during the product development phases. This study applies Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and risk management principles to establish Development Risk Index and its evaluation method for determination on whether the project can go forward to its next development phase or to a market launch. Two industrial cases, webcam and industrial Tablet PC, are presented for demonstration.


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