  • 學位論文


Analyzing the E-commerce Platforms Design for Different Service Industries

指導教授 : 陳筱琪 陳文良


在電子商務發展漸趨成熟的世代裡,相較於以往大家常使用的「產品型電商」,目前已開始轉向「服務型電商」進行發展,就如同近期最為流行的旅遊網站(如kkday)、訂房網站(如Agoda)、乘客運輸(如Uber)、餐飲外送平台(如foodpanda)等…,而這些電商平台將融入於生活之中,因此,許多服務業的業者看到機會來臨,紛紛想要加入此一行列,此時,對於初步踏入電商平台的業者們,或許在平台設計方面較沒有概念,但是經由本研究針對不同型態服務業採行之電商平台設計,其探討之目的:一、分析電子商務平台設計影響使用者滿意度之關鍵要素,二、探討不同型態的服務業對於電子商務平台設計之差異性,並且分析其重要程度。最後,希望可以提供想要朝向電商平台發展的服務業業者,甚至是對於現存的電商平台業者們,提供一些平台設計的建議,作為參考。   本研究針對台灣北部地區20~55歲的使用者,進行網路問卷之調查,蒐集有效問卷505份,並將樣本分為四個不同型態的服務業,經由SPSS統計軟體進行信度分析、相關分析、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析以及迴歸分析,作為本研究之分析結果。   根據本研究之調查,就整體電子商務平台設計影響使用者滿意度之關鍵要素,分別為可用性、資訊品質、服務品質以及趣味性;在其底下的準則,則是分別為便利性、個人化、豐富性、互動性以及視覺美學。另外,經由本研究使用者重視平台設計之調查,瞭解不同型態的服務業對於電子商務平台設計,確實有顯著之差異,而其結果為:一、針對商業服務業而言,首要著重的是趣味性(如視覺美學),其次為服務品質(如即時性);二、針對健康與社會服務業而言,首要著重的是趣味性(如視覺美學),其次為可用性(如便利性);三、針對娛樂、文化及運動服務業而言,首要著重的是資訊品質(如正確性),其次為服務品質(如互動性);四、針對觀光及旅遊服務業而言,首要著重的是可用性(如便利性、個人化),其次為資訊品質(如豐富性)。然而,綜合上述的研究分析與結果,亦提供管理意涵以及後續的研究建議,在學術領域方面,除了可以創造電商平台的知識以外,更希望能夠帶給電商平台的業者們,有實質上的效益與成果。


In a generation where e-commerce has gradually matured, compared with the "product-type e-commerce" that people often used before, they have started to turn to "service-type e-commerce" for development, which is the most popular travel website (e.g. kkday ), booking websites (e.g. Agoda), passenger transportation (e.g. Uber), food delivery platforms (e.g. foodpanda), etc., and these e-commerce platforms will be integrated into life here, so many service providers see the opportunities, and they want to join this. At this time, for those who have initially entered the e-commerce platform, they may not have a concept in platform design, but through this study, the design of e-commerce platforms for different types of service industries, its ultimate goal: First, analyze the key elements of e-commerce platform design that affect user satisfaction. Second, explore the differences and their importance between different types of service industries in the design of e-commerce platforms. Finally, I hope to provide service providers who want to development of e-commerce platforms, and even provide some platform design suggestions for existing e-commerce platform providers as a reference.   This study conducted an online questionnaire survey for users aged 20 to 55 in the northern part of Taiwan, collected 505 valid questionnaires, and divided the sample into four different types of service industries. Then, statistical analysis software SPSS was used to conduct the realibility analysis, correlation analysis, independent sample t test, analysis of variance, regression analysis.   According to the survey of this study, the key elements that affect the user satisfaction of the overall e-commerce platform design are usability, information quality, service quality, and playfulness; and the underlying dimensions are convenience, personalization, richness, interactivity and visual aesthetics. In addition, through this survey of users' observation of platform design, we understand that different types of service industries do have significant differences in the design of e-commerce platforms, and the results are as follows: 1. For business services, the primary focus is on playfulness (e.g. visual aesthetics), followed by service quality (e.g. immediacy); 2. For health and social services, the primary focus is on playfulness (e.g. visual aesthetics), followed by usability (e.g. convenience); 3. For entertainment, cultural and sport services, the primary focus is on information quality (e.g. accuracy), followed by service quality (e.g. interactivity); 4. For sightseeing and travel services, the primary focus is on availability (e.g. convenience, personalization), followed by information quality (e.g. richness). However, combining the above research analysis and results, it also provides management implications and follow-up research suggestions. In addition to creating knowledge in the e-commerce platform in the academic field, it is also hoped that it can bring to the e-commerce platform operators, with substantial benefits and results.


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