  • 學位論文


The Key Factors of E-commerce Platform in Evaluating the Third-Party Reverse Logistics Company

指導教授 : 蘇騰昇 劉素娟


隨著電子商務平台快速發展,越來越多零售業的銷售模式逐漸轉往線上平台,因此顧客消費習慣也從線下轉移線上,不僅帶給消費者在購物上有更多的體驗及便利,產品包裝樣式也產生相大的變化。然而,這些龐大商機的背後卻消耗大量的一次性運輸包裝材料,從而衍生出許多一次性之包材遭丟棄而造成環境破壞、資源浪費等問題。企業為了符合政府法令、提升企業形象、落實回收再製及節省成本,訂定了包材回收之標準,透過回收、拆解、檢修、再製等程序重新賦予回收包材新的使用價值,再者,在回收再製的過程中,往往會因為回收品的不確定性包含外觀、功能、分類等,影響整體回收再製的時間,進而提高回收成本。本研究旨探討運用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)台灣電子商務評估第三方逆物流商之關鍵因素,經實驗結果顯示出評估第三方逆物流之關鍵因素著重於「資訊服務層面」,其原因可歸咎回收物品的不確定性極高,因此電子商務業者在評估的過程中,資訊服務科技為最優先考量,而在整體評估指標中「資訊即時性」獲得整體權重的最高分數,意味著電商業者相當注重回收物品即時的狀態。最後研究結果將提供給國內電子商務平台業者評估之參考,以提升電商平台找尋第三方逆物流商之意願。


Due to the fast growing E-commerce platform, more and more retailers cooperate with an E-commerce platform. Customer behavior is changing from a real channel to virtual channel and the time of distribution cut down. E-commerce not only can bring tremendous profit to the company but also customers can easily receive their products in a very short time. In order to satisfy the demand of orders, E-commerce platforms have to procure great amount of packaging material, such as cardboard box. However, the convenience of E-commerce brings enormous packaging material wastes. People do not pay a lot of attention on it, which cause packaging material is been disposal and idle, and yet the functionalities of packaging material are still good enough to redistribute again. In recent years, in order to follow the environmental regulation, enhance the corporate green image, fulfill the recycle process and reduce the cost, companies try to build up a system to recycle idle boxes. However, during the recycling process, the time is uncontrollable, and every single recycle materials has different condition like damage on appearance, deformation of the structure or wrong classification, As a result the cost of recycling process is high. Therefore, this thesis provides key factors to evaluating the third-party reverse logistics company by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process, (AHP). The result shows that the key factors of evaluating of third-party reverse logistics is Information technology (IT). The most important criterion is the immediacy of information.


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