  • 學位論文


The Research on the History and Industrial Heritage in Taipei Railway Workshop of Taiwan Railways Administration


臺北機器局自清代因軍務創建之初,即衍伸出臺灣鐵道建設及商務推展之多重體系,隨著日本治 臺及戰後各時期之建設推展,臺北機器局亦順應時代的更迭,轉換不同體制下之稱謂;最終在1947 年正式更名為臺北機廠。雖然,臺北機廠受到各朝政權演替下的影響,但唯一不變的是臺北機廠始終 兼具國防要務及交通運輸體系的角色,進而連帶影響著臺灣都市結構與社會經濟之發展。 臺北機廠在2004 年受到高速鐵路建設工程的影響,必須在2015 年停工並遷建至楊梅鎮富崗基 地,因此,至今仍在營運中的臺北機廠現址,其見證臺灣鐵道動力運輸系統及產業結構變遷之豐富鐵 道產業文化資產,勢必將受到重大衝擊。唯過去學者對於鐵道產業之研究,因受限於檔案史料之開放 及文獻蒐羅不易,而著重於臺灣鐵道線路之發展、車站建築,及其相對於社會經濟之影響等,對於鐵 道產業文化資產多元化之有形及無形資產,並未有完整性之探討。故本研究企圖以臺北機廠作為主要 研究對象,並針對臺灣鐵道產業各時期之歷史、技術養成與檢修體系之沿革進行闡述。研究目的及成 果如下: 1. 釐清臺北機廠之歷史意義及文化資產價值:藉由清代、日治及戰後各時期檔案文獻之彙整,輔 以田野調查之瞭解,確立臺北機廠各階段之建設發展,進而探討都市發展對於臺北機廠之影響。 2. 探討臺北機廠技術養成教育及轉變:臺北機廠在面臨各階段動力運輸系統轉換時,修製技術、 訓練內容及人材招募,其間相互應對之關係。 3. 提供臺北機廠之保存及維護架構建議:將臺北機廠分作有形及無形文化資產層面,進行鐵道產 業之分析。以期作為未來臺北機廠遷建後,產業設施及文化遺產系統性保存之參考資料。


Taipei Machine Bureau was founded by military affairs since the Qing Dynasty, which extended as the Railway Construction of Taiwan and the business promotion. With the occupation of Japanese and the construction of the postwar period, the Taipei Machine Bureau was also changing its name with the times. Finally, it named Taipei Railway Workshop. Although the workshop was under the influence of the regime succession, but the only constant is the workshop national defense priorities and the important role of transport system, and also affect the Taiwan's urban structure and development of economy. In 2004, Taipei railway workshop was impacted by the Taiwan High Speed Rail; it must be suspended in 2015 and relocated to Yang-Mei, Fu-Kong Base. Therefore, it will be a greatly impact to the present location of the Taipei Railway Workshop, which is the witness of Taiwan transport system and an important assets. Due to the researches of Taiwan railway industry in the past almost emphasized the railway line development, buildings of stations and the effect of social economy. There was lack of related record about the diversification of rail industrial culture. Thus, this research aimed the Taipei railway workshop as the main object of study. The content includes the different periods in Taiwan railway’s history, technical training and railway repair process. The research ambition and result as below, 1. To clarify the meaning and the value of Taipei workshop as a cultural asset: Depends on the summary of research files in Qing Dynasty, colony of Japan and postwar period. And combine the fieldwork to understand the development status of the different periods, then probe into the impacts of urban development to the Taipei Railway Workshop. 2. Describe the technical training and its variation: When Taipei Railway Workshop encountered the transition of the different power system of railway, how do they upgrade their repair technique, training content and careers. 3. Provide the proposals to keep the Taipei Railway Workshop maintenance and reservation: To separate the Taipei Railway workshop into tangible and intangible cultural assets, in order to let us analyze the Taiwan railway industry. After the workshop relocated, the analysis results will be important database as the cultural assets of Taiwan Railway industry.


15. 王爾敏,1978,《清季兵工業的興起》,臺北:中央研究院近代史研究所專刊(9)。
3. 郭文華,1996,〈臺灣洋務科技初探(1887-1895)〉,《新史學》七卷二期。
13. 廖永和,1987,《晚清自強運動軍備問題之研究》,文史哲出版社。


