  • 學位論文


Factors affect Panel Industry in Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility— FAHP Approach

指導教授 : 劉立倫


本研究旨在探討企業於全球化的競爭趨勢下,如何讓企業脫穎而出及善盡企業社會責任以達企業永續發展為目標。其以環境(Environmental)、社會(Social)、公司治理(Governance)三大衡量指標來推動企業社會責任實踐永續經營,企業家們的意識轉變則有助推動並循序漸進的促進社會和諧與經濟發展。 本研究透過專家意見法(Expert Opinion)由專家們回饋影響面板產業推動企業社會責任之層級架構、構面與衡量指標的意見並以模糊理論與模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy An-alytic Hierarchy Process;FAHP)進行問卷統計分析。 本研究實證得知影響面板產業推動企業社會責任因素之構面依權重順序為環境趨勢與社會態度、公司理念與社會承諾、組織結構與編組適切性、推動制度落實程度、推動效益;其政府制定環境保護政策及企業推行璄境保護意識與行動力刻不容緩,應加快腳步以減緩對環境造成的傷害;次者,企業文化與價值觀為塑造企業文化的核心,以此奠定企業永續發展的基礎,除此之外,高階管理者應視履行企業社會責任政策為一種持續改善的觀念可降低營運風險穩健經營,政府應制定明確CSR政策與法令予以企業遵循有助企業資源分配。


This study aims to explore how enterprises can stand out and fulfill their corporate social responsibilities in the face of global competition trends, with the goal of sustainable develop-ment of enterprises. It uses the three major indicators of environmental,social and governance to promote sustainable management of corporate social responsibility practices, and the change of entrepreneurs' consciousness helps to promote and gradually promote social harmony and economic development. In this study, experts feedback on the hierarchical structure, structure and metrics influ-encing the panel industry to promote CSR through expert opinion and conducted question-naire statistical analysis using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP). Empirical evidence of this study shows that the components affecting the panel industry to promote corporate social responsibility are, in order of weight, environmental trends and social attitudes, corporate philosophy and social commitment, organizational structure and grouping appropriateness, promotion of system implementation, and promotion of efficiency; the government's formulation of environmental protection policies and the implementation of enterprises' awareness and action to protect the environment cannot be delayed, and should accelerate the pace to alleviate the harm caused to the environment; second, corporate culture and values are the core of shaping corporate culture. In addition to laying the foundation for the sustainable development of enterprises, senior managers should regard the implementation of corporate social responsibility policies as a concept of continuous improvement to reduce operational risks and operate steadily, and the government should formulate clear CSR policies and decrees for enterprises to follow and help enterprises allocate resources.


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