  • 學位論文


The Research of The Video Performance and Channel Attractiveness- Take F channel as An Example

指導教授 : 易青雲


摘要 每個人都是一家媒體公司,利用影音溝通想法、創造流量、拓展業務、是最有效且最能讓人印象深刻的方式。 本研究透過分析不同內容創作者的影音內容,探討影音的內容表現方式對受眾的吸引力,以歸納的元素對F頻道進行實際操作應用,並根據結果做進一步的分析與討論。   本研究以歸納影音設計的構面分別為:(1)影音表現方式;(2) 吸引力衡量指標;(3)吸引力法則;(4)內容創作者的影響力標籤,根據觀察F頻道的影音結果呈現,影音的表現方式和內容創作者的影響力標籤相互關連,除了應遵守表現方式4E原則:提供實用知識(Educational)、自帶魅力(Engaging)、激發強烈情感(Emotional)、展現同理心(Empathy)。研究者也提出影音表現方式「5B1R」原則:做自己(Be Yourself)、勇敢表現(Be Brave)、熱情(Be Ardor)、誠實(Be Honest)、信任(Be Trusted)、多閱讀(Read More),有助於增加影音頻道的吸引力。


Abstract   Everyone is a multi-media platform. Whether you like it or not, using videos to present ideas, generate network traffic, and expand business remains to be the most effective and impressive way.   Therefore, in this research will analyze the videos from different creators, and explore the effect of video attractiveness, as a reference to possible factors for the future operation of Channel F.   Based on my literature review, this research proposes the following dimensions: (1) Video performance (2) Video metrics (3) Law of attraction (4) Content creators’ influence label as the criteria for an effective video design. An analysis of videos by the channel F will be discussed as a case study. Based on the content analysis of videos on the channel F, video performance and content creator’s influence label are interrelated. The performance of videos not only should comply with 4E principle: (1) Providing practical knowledge (Educational) (2) Bringing its own charm (Engaging) (3)Inspiring strong emotions (Emotional), and (4) To show empathy (Empathy) but also “5B1R”principle : (1) Be Yourself, (2) Be Brave, (3) Be Ardor, (4) Be Honest, (5) Be Trusted, and (6) Read More which I proposed in this study.


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