  • 學位論文

耕耘~另一畝心田 一位卓越校長的學校經營

Cultivate ~ Another Field of Heart The School Management of an Excellent Principal

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


摘 要 本研究旨在探討一位卓越校長的學校經營,包括其經營理念、策略、成效並分享其學校經營經驗,更進一步探究個案學校所遭遇到的挑戰。據此,提出相關建議,作為日後校長學校經營之實務參考。本研究採用個案研究方法,研究者以桃園縣一位榮獲教育部校長領導卓越獎殊榮的傅校長(化名)及其目前服務的旭日國小(化名)為研究對象,進行訪談、參與觀察、文件分析以及省思札記等資料蒐集,進而將資料分析後,整理歸納以下結論與建議: 一、結論 (一)校長的學校經營理念歸納如下 1.對學生:人人是明星,各個是寶貝;2.對教師:教育尖兵,成敗關鍵人物;3.對家長及社區各界:教育夥伴,資源無窮;4.對校園環境:注重境教,深信潛移默化之陶冶。 (二)校長的學校經營策略歸納如下: 1.對學生:倡導品格教育,型塑優質兒童;提供展演舞台,孕育創意活力 爭取各界資源,展現教育大愛。 2.對教師:提供教學所需,厚植專業能力;深化課程內容,扎根百年樹人;形塑團隊精神,邁向學習組織。 3.對家長及社區各界:改造學校網頁,行銷學校成長;開放校園設施,友善社區鄰里;發展策略聯盟,多元校務發展。 4.對校園環境:綠色建築概念,實踐生態校園;師生共同創作,美哉藝術 校園,細心關心貼心,成就人文校園。 (三)校長的學校經營成效歸納如下: 1.在學生方面:語文教育受肯定;良好品格看得到;學生展能有創意。 2.在教師方面:行政教學一家親;教師專業已提升;團隊精神漸形塑。 3.在家長及社區各界方面:人力物力齊支援;經費挹注惠學校;外界參訪有口碑。 4.在校園環境方面:生態校園懂尊重;藝術校園知美學;人文校園學習愛。 (四)校長學校經營經驗之分享: 1.分析情勢,策略擬定;2.掌握關鍵,貫徹執行;3.探究原委,除弊革新;4.在地經營,深耕本土;5.悅納異己,雍容應對;6.創新思維,突破困境。 (五)學校經營的挑戰 1.內部挑戰:(1)學校經營方式,不易彰顯成效;(2)硬體設備老舊,外界觀感欠佳;(3)組織文化固著,有待激發提升;(4)諸多因素影響,行政工作乏人問津;(5)時代環境所致,教師成員固定;(6)教師年齡老化,影響進修意願及家長觀感。 2.外部挑戰:(1)經費預算不足,另闢財源大考驗;(2)志工成員異動,內部接續傷腦筋;(3)教育政策配套,衝擊學校人員編制;(4)新設校之牽連,優質學區被劃分;(5)新設校產生磁吸效應;(6)多元社經背景差異度大。 二、建議 (一)對於初任校長的建議 1.情勢分析,規劃藍圖,就教於師傅校長。 2.以人為本,深耕在地化。 (二)對於一般學校校長的建議 1.檢視學校願景,深化於課程。 2.善用校園故事,充分發揮境教之功能。 (三)對教育行政機構的建議 1.規劃校長職前及在職進修,加強校長課程領導的專業能力。 2.卓越校長之經驗應有效傳承


Abstract This research discuess the school management of an excellent principal. Including the ideal, strategy, achievement and share the experience of school management. Futhermore, to discuess the challenge in the case that school have to deal with. Then offering suggestion for practical management to principals. This research use case study, Researcher choose Principal Fu, the winner of excellent teaching award, who works in Sunrise elementary school (fake name) now as the object. The research collect data through interview, observation,document analyzing, reflection note.Some suggestions were provided below. 1.Conclusion (1).The ideal for a principal to manage a school. a.To students:Everyone is a star. b.To teachers: Key people of education. c.To parents and community:Partners d.To campus: Surrounding teaching. (2).The strategy for a principal to manage a school. a.To students:Character education. b.To teachers:Providing any thing that teachers need. c.To parents and community:Website improvement, Marketing. d.To campus:Green and Eco friendly. (3).The achievement for a principal to manage a school. a.To students:language, character and character. b.To teachers: Cooperation and profession. c.To parents and community:resources d.To campus: Eco friendly and Art education. (4).The experience shared by a principal. a.Choose the strategy by analyzing situation. b.Catch the key and practice it. c.Dig out the truth and innovation. d.localization. e.Friendly to objectors. f.Thing creatively. (5).The challenge for a principal to manage a school. a.Interior challenge (1)It's hard to show the achievement (2)The equipments are old. (3)Hard to motivate the organization. (4)No one want to do the administration. (5)The members in the school are fixed. (6)The age of teachers are too old. b.Exterior challenge (1)Insufficient funding. (2)Volunteers change frequently. (3)The policy influence the number of persons on regular staff. (4)New school influence the school district. (5)Students are attracted by new school. (6)The tremendous diversity of students'background. 2.Suggestions (1).To new principals a.Analyzing situations and plan and educated by master principal. b.Localization and be humanist. (2) .To ordinary principals a.To check the school vision and deepened it. b.Localization and be humanist. (3) .To Educational administration a.Pre-job and on-the-job training for principals can enhance principals' proficiency. b.The experience of an excellent principal must be well inherited


